PayFast payment module

PayFast payment module
5.0 3
This payment module allows you to integrate with PayFast, providing several payment methods.
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支持的版本: 3.90, 4.00, 4.10
创建于 五月 04,2013
最后更新: 一月 17,2020

PayFast gives your customers more flexibility including putting down deposits, ordering ahead of time or paying on a weekly, monthly or annual basis. Customers can sign up to manage their payments via an easy-to-use payment wallet to pay for your product or service quickly and easily. When a user elects to pay for their order using PayFast, they are redirected to your merchant account on PayFast where they are requested to login and make the payment. PayFast handles the payments and redirects your visitors back to your website where they can continue browsing through your store.

Installation instructions:

  1. Download the plugin archive.
  2. Go to admin area > configuration > local plugins.
  3. Upload the plugin archive using the "Upload plugin or theme" plugin.
  4. Scroll down through the list of plugins to find the newly installed plugin. And click on the "Install" button to install the plugin.

Please find more informartion about how to install plugins here.

Source code:

The plugin is provided absolutely for free and includes source code. Find the project Github repository here.

Discontinued support:

UPDATE: nopCommerce team doesn't plan to upgrade this plugin to the latest version. Our community is more than welcome to continue development of the plugin. Please feel free to use our source code.

roboriaan 2021/1/4 上午4:08
I'm almost done converting this plugin to 4.30
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dpsherratt 2018/8/22 上午4:29
Great plugin, but anyone know what the notify_url should be?
This plugin was very easy to install and use - it worked first time. The only thing is I can't seem to find any documentation explaining what the notify_url must be (I think this is to allow the plugin to update the Order status depending on the result of the transaction). Thanks to anyone who can help! (Yes I have tried to "contact developer" but nobody has replied)
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asdasdasdasd3 2017/4/1 上午4:57
Great Payment Gateway
I really like the plugin keep up the good work, we love you guys. Mzansi For Shoo
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