Quick View by nopStation

Quick View by nopStation
4.5 14
Quick view plugin which displays product details in the popup window on the same page. It is very useful as customers don't need to navigate to the product page to see every product detail.
获取扩展 您将被重定向到开发者的网站以下载此插件
支持的版本: 4.40, 4.50, 4.70
创建于 九月 22,2014
最后更新: 五月 28,2024

It's a plugin for displaying product details in the popup window on the same page. By this plugin customer can see the products details, attributes, products photo, price etc stock on pop up. Customers no need to go the navigate products page to see every product's detail.


  1. It supports multi-store.
  2. Views and styles are open for modification.
  3. It supports enable/disable picture zoom.
  4. It supports enable/disable short description,full description of product.
  5. It supports enable/disable wishlist button.
  6. It supports enable/disable show compare products button.
  7. It supports enable/disable show product review overview.
  8. It supports enable/disable show availability.
  9. It supports enable/disable show delivery info.
  10. It supports enable/disable show product specifications.
  11. It supports enable/disable related products in quick view.
  12. It supports all the themes of nopstation.
  13. Easy to set up.

tigran_avdalyan 2018/9/14 上午7:05
Update 4.10
Can be updated to Nopcommerce 4.10?
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hanet 2016/3/2 上午7:14
does not work for 3.7
does not work for 3.7
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secondchu 2016/2/14 上午1:32
my paging feature does not work
It's a great plugin, but my paging feature does not work, how can I fix this?
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asma4253 2016/2/12 上午1:04
shows same pic for attribute as well
on Item detail page (when u click and go to the detail page), when I select an attribute of the item and the picture changes, quickview still shows the original pic of the item and not the one associated with the attribute
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suloveoun 2016/1/28 上午9:16
Greate plug-in
Thank for your great quick view plug-in and you open source too, this way if you no longer update I hope have someone use your open source to continue update by credit you in the future. But I strongly hope you update continuously.
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mayurpaghdal 2016/1/8 上午9:25
3.7 availability is
Plugin is very good but still not available for 3.7
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eurodress 2015/5/15 上午4:35
Release build never tested...
The source code project has a major bug, the release build copies to NivoSlider folder...

Besides that, awesome plugin. Made it work for 3.5.
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mateuszherc 2015/3/12 下午6:25
Button Container Class
please tell me which class name i should set in filed

Button Container Class
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kasikcioglu 2014/10/18 上午11:02
Quick View
Thank You so much. After installing latest NopShop, it is worked. That is great.
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ussamoo 2014/10/15 下午5:18
I vave the same issue than kasikcioglu :(
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ussamoo 2014/10/15 下午5:16
I vave the same issue than
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kasikcioglu 2014/10/12 上午2:20
Thank You
That is wonderful plugin and very useful. However I could not make it run. I have installed and did the settings. But I should enter the class name. I entered many class name but nothing has changed. Here what i provide as classname. .btn,.btn-default,.add-to-cart,.fa,.fa-shopping-cart and so on. My nopcommerce is 3.40. What can be the problem. Thank you so much
这个评价是否有帮助? 2 / 0
sohel@bs23 2014/9/22 上午8:31
Great work!!!!!!
Great work ! It is very amazing plugin! Thanks
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nasif0208 2014/9/22 上午7:50
Great Plugin!!
Great work and  thanks for share it for free!! It is very amazing plugin.
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