Save file in disc drive / server

Save file in disc drive / server
5.0 1
Save file in disc plugin will allow to save any uploaded file in disc drive instead of database. It will save lot of space on database.
获取扩展 您将被重定向到开发者的网站以下载此插件
支持的版本: 4.50, 4.60
创建于 十一月 10,2023
最后更新: 十二月 05,2023


  • There are several reasons why you might want to save a file in disc:

  • Improved performance: Saving files to disc can improve the performance of your web application. This is because the database does not need to store the file itself, which can save a significant amount of space and improve query performance.

  • Increased scalability: Saving files to disc also makes your web application more scalable. This is because the server's file system is designed to store large amounts of data efficiently, and it can be easily scaled up to meet the needs of your growing application.

  • Improved security: Saving files to disc can also improve the security of your web application. This is because the files can be stored in a secure location on the server, and they can be protected from unauthorized access.

How it Work


File Save in Folder


Fast support

1 year free support and upgrades since purchase

Easy setup

keirawallis187 2023/12/3 下午11:46
Very Useful Plugin!!
My database size problem was solved by this plugin. It's very useful for storing files to HDD instead of databases. It reduced work to maintain database for clean old files and it improved performance.
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