Smart Power Sale

Smart Power Sale
4.8 4
Catch more attention and improve the sales rate and Prove your store’s credibility by providing sales history and never let anything be spoiled in wishlists by rolling out low stock email notifications
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支持的版本: 3.90, 4.10, 4.20, 4.30, 4.40
创建于 十二月 18,2020
最后更新: 六月 23,2021

Overview: This plugin is specifically designed to let your visitors know how many of your products you’ve sold so far and notify your customers about low stock items. This not only increases the credibility and transparency of your store but also reduces the chances of people just leaving their products in wishlists and not actually buying them.
With our plugin you can boast about how many people are satisfied by the purchase and the number of products sold on the details/sales page. If your sales indicator shows a good number, then the visitors will not hesitate in buying your products as they will trust the numbers and also get notified about low stock items. The indicator can show them how many people have bought the product in the last 1hr, 2hr, 6hr, 24hr, 7days, 30days and so on.

Purpose: A new visitor is always in a dilemma about buying a product from an unknown seller. Most of them also just keep items in their wishlist and don't actually buy them. This plugin is based on the same situations. Showing new visitors an exact number of people that have bought the same product and notifying the customers about the product in their wishlist being low in stock through personalized emails.
These two tactics have been proven to be game changers in increasing the sales and attracts new customers by emphasizing on the popularity/stock health of the product and turns many new visitors into potential customers by getting rid of their confusion.

  • Custom configuration enabling users to boost their sales by
  • multiplying their custom value with actual sale
  • Indicator to show the sales of last 1hr
  • Indicator to show the sales of last 2hr
  • Indicator to show the sales of last 6hr
  • Indicator to show the sales of last 24hr
  • Indicator to show the sales of last 1 week
  • Indicator to show the sales of last 1 month
  • Show the overall sale, if customization is turned off
  • Enable / disable customization
  • Enable / disable plugin instead of uninstall
  • Immediate email notifications for wishlisted items
  • Inform users by telling them how many products are left
  • Increase the sales by building credibility
  • Build trust by showing your previous sales record
  • Winning products by quick and easy sales
  • Increase rate of conversion of a visitor to customer
  • Reduce wishlist prone items
  • Increase customer retention
Live Demo
valeriemca 2022/5/6 下午2:11
Good Work
Good Work
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suhail339 2021/1/25 上午12:28
Nice plugin
Useful insights and WishList reminder to customers. Excellent.
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jabirishaq 2021/1/4 上午12:20
Efficient For Smart Sales
fulfills the modern needs of e-commerce store
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[email protected] 2020/12/24 下午3:37
Workes like a champ,  mush have for ecommerce stores.
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