Smartarget WhatsApp - Contact Us

Smartarget WhatsApp - Contact Us
3.0 5
Get 24% more WhatsApp Leads! Add a small icon with your phone number and short message as «Contact us» or «message us» etc. When the user clicks on the icon - new tab will pop with WhatsApp for web and chat window with you.
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支持的版本: 4.50
创建于 四月 12,2022
最后更新: 四月 18,2022

Get 24% more WhatsApp Leads

Let's make it easier for your customers to contact you! Probably most of your users are using WhatsApp, so it's time to give them the option to contact you by using WhatsApp.

With Smartarget WhatsApp - Contact Us you can add a small icon on the bottom-right corner with your phone number and short message as «Contact us» or «message us» etc. When the user clicks on the icon - a new tab will pop up with WhatsApp for web and chat window with you.

24/7 Customer Support

Adding WhatsApp chat to your nopCommerce store, allows your customer to approach you at any time, but you can always get back to them later and be sure they will get your reply!

WhatsApp = Trust

Customers trust WhatsApp which means they trust all you. Adding WhatsApp Chat to your nopCommerce simply increases the trust in your store.
hassan1122 2024/7/16 上午5:57
Doesnt support 4.7
Can we have latest version for 4.7
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Germanero 2023/10/13 下午11:00
Plugin is not actually FREE (it's a trial)
The plugin is very nice, but they lie when say it's FREE. To start, they email you with a warning message: 'trial is to expire in a week'. So they say if you want to keep using it, you need to upgrade to PRO version for 8 MONTHLY dollars. If not, plugin only going to work on 'Homepage'. But they actually lie. When trial ends you can still using it on homepage (a logo under whatsapp icon appears, very ugly) BUT then, you realise they put their logo in all pages in the same place you want to show whatsapp icon (and that icon covers the 'back to top icon'). When you click it, a HUGE message appears promoting their plugin, warning you that you are using a trial version. Is very annoying because they should to notify us before, because is not good for our company to show it at all. So, main plugin still working on homepage (ok) with their logo (why don't put it in other place? that force to change margins and padding for whatsapp icon and looks awful). Ok, maybe is understandable, but true is you can't hide their logo with promotional message in all pages and it looks like spam. There is no way to hide, so when they say is only on homepage.
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vknow 2022/7/27 上午5:06
Need this plugin for Nop 4.40 version
Hello Team
Please share this plugin for 4.4 version
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rapture11 2022/4/19 上午3:00
Thanks for support, nice extension
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ofekpc 2022/4/18 下午6:34
this plugin is not really free
it mentions free but it is trail version
这个评价是否有帮助? 1 / 3

There is a complete free version that you can use and will show the whatsapp on the homepage only.

You don't need a credit card or anything else. If you have any question you can always contact us