SQL Manager (MSSQL) by nopStation

SQL Manager (MSSQL) by nopStation
This plugin allows to view/create SQL reports from admin panel.
获取扩展 您将被重定向到开发者的网站以下载此插件
支持的版本: 4.40, 4.50, 4.60, 4.70
创建于 六月 01,2021
最后更新: 五月 29,2024

Reports and analytics generation are critical parts of running an e-commerce business. For example, nopCommerce has several reports on its Dashboard and Reports menu letting view or generate reports on sales, orders, and customers. Besides these built-in reports, your business might require some custom reports generation or export functionality depending on business needs.

SQL Manager plugin for nopCommerce

If your business needs custom report generation in nopCommerce, then nopStation is here with its SQL Manager (MSSQL) plugin. The SQL manager lets you set parameters, add ACL permissions, create, run and save custom SQL queries to retrieve the data you need from your nopCommerce store’s MSSQL database with a simple nopCommerce plugin download and install. The plugin also lets you export reports as Microsoft Excel files for saving locally or to the cloud.

  • Add SQL query/statements to generate reports
  • Add parameters which can be used in the reports
  • Add ACL permissions to manage reports
  • Show report results in data table
  • Export report results as Excel(.xlsx) file
  • Instant query with no need to save reports or parameters
  • This plugin only supports MSSQL

Enhance the reports system on your nopCommerce business by getting nopStation’s SQL Manager Plugin (MSSQL) for nopCommerce. Don’t forget to check out nopStation’s collection of other sales and analytics plugins for any of your business needs.

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