"The specified email already exists" when i tried to login with Facebook account

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11 Jahre weitere

I have configured external auth via Facebook but get the following error "The specified email already exists" when I try to log in using my Facebook credentials.
Registration and authentication is working but after that when i try to login with the same Facebook account i get the error "The specified email already exists".

my Google Auth is working properly.

Does anyone know how to resolve this ?
I am using nopcommerce 2.8 MVC
11 Jahre weitere
Facebook used obsolete Facebook API in 2.80. It was fully rewritten in the upcoming version 3.00. Wait until it released (in several days) and download beta and get the plugin from there
11 Jahre weitere
hi Andrei,

Can you tell me how to solve this.

When using the Facebook External Authentication plugin to login the user is returned to the url of for example

http://localhost:2619/login#_=_ and give me error message  "The specified email already exists"

I've tried to figure out where that #_=_ is coming from but cannot find it. Please help

I do have an app ID and secret key.
11 Jahre weitere
You could get this error when you're trying to login using Facebook with some email which is already registered in the system. If you're already registered on nopCommerce with some email and want to associate this email to this customer account, then ensure that you're logged-in on your nopCommerce site using your email and password, and then login (one more time) using Facebook. This way your customer account will be associated to your Facebook account.

P.S. Are you using 3.00 BETA version? As I've already written this plugin does not work in the previous versions any more.
11 Jahre weitere

i hv created new account on FB and try to login with that account but still giving me same error, and i am using 2.8
11 Jahre weitere

i hv created new account on FB and try to login with that account but still giving me same error, and i am using 2.8

on fb I created one app with following information
Display Name: MyStore
Contact Email:[email protected]
Sandbox Mode: set to desable

Website with Facebook Login
site url: http://localhost:2619/Plugins/ExternalAuthFacebook/Login

did i miss anything here?

please help me out m stuck here from last two days
11 Jahre weitere
Please read both of my previous posts. Facebook plugin does not work properly in 2.80 anymore. It works only in the upcoming version 3.00. Please also read my post about "already registered email" warning
11 Jahre weitere

This means that if I'm using the version 2.65, will I be not able to use at all the plugin, unless I upgrade nopcommerce?

Is possible that there isn't any workaround?
11 Jahre weitere
Right. You can upgrade to the latest version or migrate the 3.00 plugin to your 2.65 (need some coding)
11 Jahre weitere
Hello Andrei

I think that to migrate the 3.00 plugin to 2.65 with some coding, will be alot less painful than to upgrade all the webapplication.
Am I right?
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