"The specified email already exists" when i tried to login with Facebook account

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11 Jahre weitere
I am using 2.65
11 Jahre weitere
Hello derckie

I'm sorry but I haven't understand well what is the problem now.

Can you be more specific?

However to install and make work in the proper way the plugin, there is the need to UNISTALL and DELETE the OLD plugin, and after COPY the NEW plugin and INSTALL it. If all is fine without any error messages it should work.
It is important to NOT COPY the plugin on the old one, because during the installation process all the dll file and config settings are set in the proper way.

Just for sentence the new plugin is a downgrade version of the facebook plugin from NOP-C v3.00. This new version use a set of new dll too (not present in the old version):


You can find all the details in this other topic: https://www.nopcommerce.com/boards/t/23682/facebook-plugin-for-25-and-265.aspx

Hope this can be helpful. Let me know.
11 Jahre weitere
Hi Maverjk,

I removed the plugin from the admin menu in nop. Copied your whole folder to the plugins folder and installed it again. Put in my app and secret key but still the same problem. I connects to facebook, can login and give access to facebook. After getting back to nop the error says email not provided. I translated the error from dutch language (Emailadres is niet verstrekt) so maybe the english error is something else.

Login is working OK for now, but new users not.

Do I need to update other plugins as well? because I didn't update anything else.

Hope you can help me.
11 Jahre weitere

The DLLs are present in the facebook folder. Is that enough or do I have to copy them somewhere else like the bin folder?
11 Jahre weitere
Hello derckie

The dlls have to be inside the plugin folder, so should be fine.

About your problem can you please check if you have activated "Auto register enabled" setting?
You can find this setting in the admin area -> Configuration -> Settings -> Customer Settings -> External authentication settings. You should flag it.

Something else that I can suggest you, if you still have problems, try to delete your facebook account in the admin area -> Customers. After that, to delete completely all the account information you have also to connect to your database and delete any reference to the accounts (should be in the customers table).
Done this, try to register again using your facebook account.

Hopefully this will help you to sort your problems.
11 Jahre weitere
Hi Mavejrk,

Sorry for the late response. I have autoreg enabled. You suggest to remove all facebook account info in the database, but the already registered accounts are working OK now. I can login with my facebook account wich I registered 6 months ago.

I have problems with new accounts. Can you try to register at my site? After redirect from facebook to nop i receive the error that email is not provided. I think that the email address is empty. I am unable to debug the facebook plugin because facebook doesn't accept localhost.
11 Jahre weitere
Hello derckie

Thanks for your feedback about the facebook plugin.
However I tested by myself the plugin after your post and I found out that there was a problem with the actual plugin (in NOP-C v3.0) with same error message for the new facebook users. So during these hours I had a really deep investigation to understand what was missing and I have finally repaired the plugin so that it work in the proper way also for the new users.

So the new revised "facebook login plugin v2.65" it's now available in download area.

Just one suggestion don't overwrite the new plugin on the old one, but delete the old one and after upload the new one.

As soon as you have make your test with the new one please leave a feedback here for the community, and vote this post as solution.

Hope to hear you soon with good news ;)
11 Jahre weitere
Hi Maverjk,

I deleted the plugin and copied the new one. Installed it and put in my secret id and key.

When I try to register with a new account after the redirect it's logged in with the first account in the user table. That's my admin account. If I search for the email address (facebook account) it's not registered at all.

Couple weeks ago I tried to debug the facebook plugin, but was unable to add localhost to facebook app. How do you debug the plugin?
11 Jahre weitere
Hello derckie

I think that your problem now is with your customer table in the database.

Basically before there was an error with the plugin because not able to retrieve the email address from the facebook user account, the error message was quite clear regards this. Now this is fixed and this allow to nopcommerce to create a new account using the email provided from facebook.

So speaking again of your problem I presume that there is more than one account with the same id or email.
My suggestion is clean your customer table and try to register again. Of course is important that each user will have a different email address.

Let me know how is going all.
10 Jahre weitere
Hi Maverjk,

I am unable to clean by customers table. I have thousants of customers. Can you try to register at my webshop?

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