Developer roadmap - 1. Moving to MVC. Your thoughts.

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12 Jahre weitere
proton17 wrote:

1. Multi-language support still relies on cookie/session value to toggle between the languages - this completely ruins SEO for one specific language vs. the other. And what if you want to sent a language-specific url to someone? I think it's imperative to include a language culture as part of the url.

Did you fixed this? and how? any hints.

proton17 wrote:

2. Products with names written in languages other than English are not properly displayed in the product URL. For example if I type a product name in Russian "мой-продукт" - URL for this product will only show a dash "-". Again this impacts SEO indexing.

Did you fixed this? and how?
12 Jahre weitere

I fixed both issues in 1.9 as for hints let me try to summarize since changes are rather extensive.

1. Using language culture in the URL.

a) First of all your URL rewrite pattern changes to include an extra parameter for language (duh :), so my pattern for lets say products looks like this "^~/(\w{2}-\w{2})/products/([0-9]*)/([\w-]*)(?:\?(.*))?" where "(\w{2}-\w{2})" would capture a culture code "en-us" or "ru-ru", etc.

b) Major changes to NopContext.cs to WorkingLanguage property where instead of using a cookie value I attempt to extract a culture code from URL with default (if missing) falling to "en-US"

c) Changes to ILanguageService.cs where I had to add a method that resolves a language by culture code instead of language id.

2. How to preserve foreign characters in the product URL.

a) All the changes here are sitting inside SEOHelper.cs GetSEName method, inside there you'll find that this method filters out all but latin characters out of your SEO name, which is what causes this bug. So what I did was, I added an extra global configuration flag "SEONames.AllowForeignCharacters" and based on this flag, I bypass that filtering, replacing it with my own that only filters out characters that would violate URL pattern.

b) Also I find it much a lot easier to use RegEx instead of String.Replace in most of the filtering there.

Hope this hints you and NopCommerce guys as well.
12 Jahre weitere

>I want to move the nHibernate implementation to NHIbernate 3.2 which has it's own "Fluent Interface"
What will be the impact on the current implementation, does this mean you'll write all the Mappings classes again? As of now, I have very little idea about NH.

With Regards
12 Jahre weitere
proton17 wrote:
I downloaded NopCommerce 2.0 Beta today, overall it looks very good, however to my disappointment I see some of the same problems that have made it's way from 1.9.

This topics was created to discuss whether we should move nopCommerce to MVC. Please post all these questions in this topic or created a new one
12 Jahre weitere
I'm new with nopCommerce and I've just did a quick comparison and found that 1.9 is still a bit faster than 2.0. Any ideas about the performance on 2.0?
12 Jahre weitere
And also, the webform version is stopped? The team will not develope it any more on that or you will do concurrently with MVC version?
12 Jahre weitere
daicaheb wrote:
And also, the webform version is stopped?

Right. WebForms version will not supported
12 Jahre weitere
a.m. wrote:
And also, the webform version is stopped?
Right. WebForms version will not supported

So sad to hear that, hopefully the performance issue will be improved soon. Thanks a.m
12 Jahre weitere
The great thing about nopCommerce is that the source is available for free. The nopCommerce team has done a phenomenal job building out features for us to use, and making the code freely available. We always have the option to tailor nopCommerce to our specific needs, including performance requirements. Run dotTrace against your code and maybe the performance issue you're having is a simple fix (nested loops, or a missing index).

In my development environment I have not noticed a significant difference between nopCommerce 2.0 and some competitors. I hope to do some load testing over the next couple of weeks and I'll publish the results as soon as I can, but this won't be a fast process.

12 Jahre weitere
awesome work from the nopCommerce team moving to MVC/Razor!  Huge Cudos!!!!!!  time to remove the sticky for this discussion
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