Developer roadmap - 1. Moving to MVC. Your thoughts.

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12 Jahre weitere
I just discovered nopCommerce and have been very impressed so far.  I've been an ASP.NET developer for 6 years and love MVC.  The switch from WebForms was a big selling point for me.
12 Jahre weitere
Every time I recieve an e-mail from you guys with the Subject "nopCommerce 2.xx Now Available!" I get deeply frustrated and sad!!!

Because all my previously installed shops (V 1.X), all my hours of work on User Controls, even on Server Controls, my huge amount of time to get deeply in the structure of pages and code, the personal improvements and addons, was for nothing!!!

Sorry, I'm absolutely not an advocate for webforms nor do I ignore the fact, that some things (certainly not all) can be made more effective using MVC technology. The problem is, I simply cannot afford spending months to convert all my shops to MVC and throw all webforms developement stuff in my bin! ;-(

12 Jahre weitere
I understand your frustration in regards to your situation, but this even happens with paid software. Now just be glad you have access to 1.90 source code and that you can make it evolve any way you like. If you need more stability, then perhaps you should look at other ecommerce solutions that cost 10000$ / year.
12 Jahre weitere
schurig wrote:
Every time I recieve an e-mail from you guys with the Subject "nopCommerce 2.xx Now Available!" I get deeply frustrated and sad!!!

Because all my previously installed shops (V 1.X), all my hours of work on User Controls, even on Server Controls, my huge amount of time to get deeply in the structure of pages and code, the personal improvements and addons, was for nothing!!!

Sorry, I'm absolutely not an advocate for webforms nor do I ignore the fact, that some things (certainly not all) can be made more effective using MVC technology. The problem is, I simply cannot afford spending months to convert all my shops to MVC and throw all webforms developement stuff in my bin! ;-(


When I read this all I think is 'Boo Hoo.'

You get a piece of free software and complain when newer better free software is released.

Grow up.

nopTeam can I suggest we lock this very old thread?
12 Jahre weitere
Hi thought,

Thanx for your insolent answer!

As I said, I'm not an advocate for Webforms. Maybe I would use them, when I started programming now. But I have been developing using ASP .NET (webforms) for almost 10 years.

You instead seem to put MVC over Webforms. That's o.k. for you - but I will not hence feel guilty favoring webforms. As you should be aware of: It mostly depends on the skills of the programmer, not on the technology!

I also think, that it is acceptable to criticise even a free software, because I think all developers (here the appreciated nop Team) are interested in the good of their user community. Losing an interested user cannot be in the sense of any developer!

As it is the philosophy of Microsoft (read Scott Gu's blog), which is: favoring neither MVC nor Webforms - it just depends on yourself, I wished that NopCommerce decided to develop as well in both technologies.

Kind regards, Stephan
12 Jahre weitere
schurig wrote:
Hi thought,

Thanx for your insolent answer!

As I said, I'm not an advocate for Webforms. Maybe I would use them, when I started programming now. But I have been developing using ASP .NET (webforms) for almost 10 years.

You instead seem to put MVC over Webforms. That's o.k. for you - but I will not hence feel guilty favoring webforms. As you should be aware of: It mostly depends on the skills of the programmer, not on the technology!

I also think, that it is acceptable to criticise even a free software, because I think all developers (here the appreciated nop Team) are interested in the good of their user community. Losing an interested user cannot be in the sense of any developer!

As it is the philosophy of Microsoft (read Scott Gu's blog), which is: favoring neither MVC nor Webforms - it just depends on yourself, I wished that NopCommerce decided to develop as well in both technologies.

Kind regards, Stephan

We have many old nopCommerce WebForms projects which we manage, plus many components we have yet to move across to MVC, but you don't see me whining about it.

I just never understand peoples negative behaviour towards changes to project which is open source, often when the changes are for the best.

Sorry if I came across angry, just posts like yours make me 'frustrated and sad!'
12 Jahre weitere
O.K. I got it.
MVC is the best and you will not respond to my arguments.
I'm ignorant, inflexible and I do whine a lot...
Are you happy now?

Have nice day.

P.S.: Don't forget to give this post a bad vote. Go... click the button!!!
12 Jahre weitere
schurig wrote:
As it is the philosophy of Microsoft (read Scott Gu's blog), which is: favoring neither MVC nor Webforms - it just depends on yourself, I wished that NopCommerce decided to develop as well in both technologies.

Both Webforms and MVC are good platforms, but in the case of an e-commerce site the way to go is MVC, there are many reasons why but the most important one is building a mobile site, to do it on MVC is way much easier, the NOP team wouldn't been able to do it on a couple of months if they would have kept the project in Webforms, the integration with jQuery mobile that they used is very easy to do in MVC but it's a pain in the butt in Webforms.

The web is so ever changing that from now on the site that doesn't provide a great mobile experience is doomed to failure, so looking back at the decision made by the NOP team to switch to MVC it was a great call.
12 Jahre weitere
schurig wrote:
Every time I recieve an e-mail from you guys with the Subject "nopCommerce 2.xx Now Available!" I get deeply frustrated and sad!!!

Because all my previously installed shops (V 1.X), all my hours of work on User Controls, even on Server Controls, my huge amount of time to get deeply in the structure of pages and code, the personal improvements and addons, was for nothing!!!

Sorry, I'm absolutely not an advocate for webforms nor do I ignore the fact, that some things (certainly not all) can be made more effective using MVC technology. The problem is, I simply cannot afford spending months to convert all my shops to MVC and throw all webforms developement stuff in my bin! ;-(


Hi schurig, I understand your frustration as well. We have tons of customizations, but they will be easy to convert to MVC because of how we developed our code. Most of our code resides in Custom Services and Partial Classes which were added to the IoC container. We used SQL Scripts to preform custom database upgrades which we are going to modify to easily upgrade the new database schema. Some of our customizations could not be moved to seperate pages and are coupled with nopCommerce's core pages, but we can easily make partial views or HtmlHelpers for those customizations. Don't lose heart or get discouraged. It seems like a daunting task, but it really isn't. Just get down to coding and making reusable code, and you find that MVC and Razor is cleaner than WebForms, and I promise that you will like the simplicity of the code and the further decoupling of business logic from the views. Push forward my friend. It will be worth it in the end.

P.S. Your pages will load faster! No viewstate! Higher SERP rankings! You also can create widgets. nopCommerce is moving in the right direction. It may not seem like it to you now, but, once you get into it, you will see.
12 Jahre weitere
Thanx progresivo and breakskater for your thoughts and infos about moving to MVC. I'll will definitely give MVC a chance, I'm always interested in new technology, it's just a matter of having (not) enough time...
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