Problem adding an image to a topic.

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Il y a 10 ans
When I try to upload an image to a topic page it says to select a folder from the tree on the left. There is no tree on the left. Clicking the big green plus sign on the left says no directory is selected and asks if you want to add one to the root. Selecting yes gives a meaningless message. I'm using 2.7 but I tried this on the current demo store, and with different browsers,  all with the same results. Am I missing something.

Il y a 10 ans
I guess you do not have right on Content folder.
Installing nopCommerce wrote:
nopCommerce requires write permissions for the directories and files described below:
Il y a 10 ans
Via admin panel check that "System/Warnings" has message: "All directory permissions are OK"
Il y a 10 ans
From what I can see, permissions are okay. All other picture uploads work okay. It's not that it won't upload, I imagine it would if it displayed a directory I could upload to. The problem is that no directory tree is being displayed.

As I mentioned, I have the same problem on the demo site. I imagine permissions are set correctly there. Any other ideas?
Il y a 10 ans
Demo site has same restrictions for security perpose and look like it is one of them.
Other pictures can be uploaded to different places.
For example, product images are saved at Content\Images\Uploaded folder. (at first it is saving in the db)
Topic images have to be saved at  Content\Images\Uploaded folder.
I would checked that this folder exists and site has right permission to write to it.
If site doesn't have this folder it means that site doesn' have permision to create it. Becouse it should be created automaticaly at first time when you open image dialog.  Also check log messages after reproducing the issue.
Il y a 10 ans
I checked the system log and there are no messages. I also checked Admin/System/Warnings and everything there shows a green checkmark, including permissions.

The folder you mentioned does exist, and has files in it from uploads in other areas of the site.

As far as the demo site goes, I would think that if you can upload to this folder from other areas of the site, this area wouldn't pose any greater risks.

So any other ideas
Il y a 10 ans
Il y a 10 ans
[quote=otimtyler]When I try to upload an image to a topic page it says to select a folder from the tree on the left. There is no tree on the left. Clicking the big green plus sign on the left says no directory is selected and asks if you want to add one to the root. Selecting yes gives a meaningless message.[quote]

Are you using an upgraded version- did you upgrade from an earlier version to 2.7?
Il y a 10 ans
Quite honestly I don't remember. It may have been upgraded. If it was upgraded, the path would go back at least to version 2.4. If I was forced to give an answer, I would say it was most  likely upgraded.
Il y a 10 ans
Is it possible that you could back up your current database, install version 3.00 (or version 2.7+and above) restore your database and run the appropriate database scripts?

Sounds like a lot of bother, but if you can do it locally in a test environment and get it working again it will be worth the effort.

If you receive messages such as

No root folder was selected


You must select an upload directory

I'm sure someone has posted an answer on here.
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