Getting a blank input screen when I embed content with my IE8 the only fix

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Il y a 13 ans
I keep having issues where I add content to pages and they sometimes lock up. Gives me a screen on the admin section that I can no longer edit, but it can still be seen on the front end. My only option is to delete the page and rebuild it. I had a colleague look from a Windows computer who is using IE8 and he can see it. Anyone have a fix for this?
Il y a 13 ans
what exactly you posted on that page ?
Il y a 13 ans
There are few bugs in HTML editor, please take a look here:
Il y a 13 ans
This time is was an Embed from Scribd. Before it has been embeds from Amazon. Most of the time is has worked fine. When it doesn't, it eliminates my ability to edit the page at all.
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