Tax not zeroed before selecting address

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Il y a 13 ans
I have tax configured for just Florida. However, whenever I or my brother go to test(made sure we are not logged in first) when we add an item to the cart it always displays tax. Now once we select a non Florida address on checkout it does zero out. How do I keep it zeroed like in the demo store on the site until I select a FL address?
Prices include tax: False
Allow customers to select tax display type: False
Tax display type: Excluding
Display tax suffix: False
Display all applied tax rates: True
Hide zero tax: True
Hide tax in order summary: False
Tax based on: Billing Address
Default Country: United States
Default State / Province: Florida
Default Zip / Postal code: (Blank)
Shipping is taxable: False
Payment method additional fee is taxable: False
EU VAT enabled: False
Il y a 13 ans
The site is in case someone wants to see what I am talking about.
Il y a 13 ans
Nanotch wrote:
I have tax configured for just Florida. However, whenever I or my brother go to test(made sure we are not logged in first) when we add an item to the cart it always displays tax. Now once we select a non Florida address on checkout it does zero out. How do I keep it zeroed like in the demo store on the site until I select a FL address?
Prices include tax: False
Allow customers to select tax display type: False
Tax display type: Excluding
Display tax suffix: False
Display all applied tax rates: True
Hide zero tax: True
Hide tax in order summary: False
Tax based on: Billing Address
Default Country: United States
Default State / Province: Florida
Default Zip / Postal code: (Blank)
Shipping is taxable: False
Payment method additional fee is taxable: False
EU VAT enabled: False

Which tax provider are you using?

I assume "Tax By Country & State" with an entry like the following (possibly others):
Country: United States   
State/province: Florida   
Zip: *
Tax category: "Your tax class"
Percentage: 7.0000

I tested your settings with the above entry and after looking at the source code it seems that if a customer is not logged in (customer== null) or doesn't have a billing address set (customer.BillingAddress == null) then the default address is used (as specified in your tax settings). The default address you set in tax settings (United States/Florida) would match the above tax provider entry.

Try changing the "Default Country" to "Select country" in tax settings (Administration > Configuration > Tax > Tax Settings) and save. This will set the default address' country and state/province IDs to zero and not match the tax provider entries. As a result, non-logged in users won't see Florida tax rates that may not apply to them.


Additionally, the background image (images/cart-header-bg.gif) is missing for your shopping cart (order summary) and wishlist table header and no background color is set so you have white text on a white background. You need to restore the image, set the background color, or change the text color (remove the broken image link for the latter two options).

The following (new code underlined) sets the background color to very-dark gray (line 1161 in App_Themes/darkOrange/styles.css):
.order-summary-content .cart .cart-header-row td, .wishlist-content .cart .cart-header-row td
  background: url('images/cart-header-bg.gif') repeat-x 50%; /*image missing, no background color*/  
  background-color:#222; /* added background-color */
  color: #FFF;
  border-right: solid 1px #6a6a6a;
  height: 20px;
Il y a 13 ans
Thanks mb!
That did the trick! Now the next problem... All shipping options are zeroed out??? Hopefully I can figure this one out seeing as though I think its the last issue I have.
Yeah the styles are a bit off, still playing with them.
Thanks again!
Il y a 13 ans
Which shipping rate computation methods are you using? Offline (by order total, by order weight, fixed rate, etc.) or real-time rates (UPS, USPS, FedEx).

If your shipping rate computation methods are set up correctly, there are several configuration options that could cause you to always have free shipping: shipping discount of 100%, "Free Shipping over X" set to a larger value than the order total, and customer roles (with "Free shipping" checked).

See the following posts:

Il y a 13 ans
Thanks for your continued help mb!
I am using "Shipping By Country & Order Weight" and everything appears to be in order with regards to the configuration settings of this method. As a test I switched to "Fixed rate shipping" and that method works w/o a problem. I switch back to "Shipping By Country & Order Weight" and all 0's again. I think by this test I am able to prove that its specific to "Shipping By Country & Order Weight". But maybe not. Are there any other possibilities you may know of?
Also i did verify the correct weights of the products were configured to 1 lb and that the parameters were set to 0-2 lbs when setting up the config
Il y a 13 ans
If you check "Limit shipping methods to configured ones" and save does it display "Shipping options could not be loaded" for the shipping method selection during checkout? If it does, then you probably don't have a country/weight entry for "Shipping By Country & Order Weight" to match your checkout conditions.

I've never used this shipping rate computation method for a store, but I noticed that if your customer's cart doesn't match a configured entry (country and weight) then they will see zero for all shipping methods (if "Limit shipping methods to configured ones" is unchecked, else they will see "Shipping options could not be loaded" if checked).

You should probably check your configuration again to ensure you have an entry to match the cart conditions (country and weight).

Below are some screen shots (test product weighs 1lbs):
Example Administration Configuration
Shipping to USA
Shipping to USA (no entry in config for cart's weight: 10 lbs)
Shipping to Canada
Shipping to United Kingdom (no entry for the country in config, limit shipping methods checked)
Shipping to United Kingdom (no entry for the country in config, limit shipping methods unchecked)

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