Help integration and modified NopCommerce 2.0 ??

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12 anni tempo fa
I have a several question about Nop 2.0 verison :
Question1  : I want to move my payment method which i use in 1.90 version How can i move my payment methods ? because architecture is now different
Question 2 : I want to create new projects B2B and B2C  how can i change ?

Question3: When i want to use B2B i need  products can have several price like  
for company1 price is 23$
for company2 price is 30$
for company3 price is 60$
for company4 price is 70$
When i did in nop 1.90 in the database if i have 5000 products if have 8 price it ll be 5000*8 : 40.000 products
database growing when i use 8 different price.

Thanks ....
12 anni tempo fa
AslanBalan wrote:
Question3: When i want to use B2B i need  products can have several price like  
for company1 price is 23$
for company2 price is 30$
for company3 price is 60$
for company4 price is 70$

I could suggest that you use Tier Prices tab on Product Variant.  You can assign Quantity 1 price on a per Customer Role basis.  (Worst case though is you have to create one role per customer if each customer really has own price not like others.)
But there's a caveat (flaw IMHO), in that you will now see the PRICE BREAKS section below the text description listing only the single Quantity 1+ / Price

(Would some team member comment if this is by design, or just an oversight?   Otherwise there is no other way to have qty 1 customer/role specific pricing)
12 anni tempo fa
New York wrote:
Question3: When i want to use B2B i need  products can have several price like  
for company1 price is 23$
for company2 price is 30$
for company3 price is 60$
for company4 price is 70$

I could suggest that you use Tier Prices tab on Product Variant.  You can assign Quantity 1 price on a per Customer Role basis.  (Worst case though is you have to create one role per customer if each customer really has own price not like others.)
But there's a caveat (flaw IMHO), in that you will now see the PRICE BREAKS section below the text description listing only the single Quantity 1+ / Price

(Would some team member comment if this is by design, or just an oversight?   Otherwise there is no other way to have qty 1 customer/role specific pricing)

Yes u r right but i know this but when i use like this my data ll be increase .Such as i have 5000 product and if i use for 1 product 8 different price in the database increase 40.000 rows .And if my product ll be 50.000 my database rows ll be 400.000..Its very huge isnt it ?

And also anyone has a idea my other questions ? and this ?

12 anni tempo fa
AslanBalan wrote:

Yes u r right but i know this but when i use like this my data ll be increase .Such as i have 5000 product and if i use for 1 product 8 different price in the database increase 40.000 rows .And if my product ll be 50.000 my database rows ll be 400.000..Its very huge isnt it ?

Yes, it's a lot of rows, but they are not in the product/variant table; they are in the TierPrice table, which has a small # of columns, and is not used for searching

Now, how you're going to put all those prices on all those rows - we'll good luck :)
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