ACL based on categories missing in 2.1

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12 anni tempo fa

Maybe I am doing something wrong here, but I looked at the demo of 2.1 and couldnt find the ACL for categories.
I.e I cannot assign certain categories to be viewed by customer login

Also below are my requirements

> I want only a particular customer role to add products to a particular category only. The remaining admin section and other categories should not be visible for him

He should be able to add products, but assign it to only that particualr category.

> I want certain topic pages to be viewed only by certain customer roles. How can I accomplish this.

Again please look into the features of 2.1 for the above.

Thanks for all your help in advance
12 anni tempo fa
Not all 1.X features were moved to 2.X. Category ACL also wasn't added in 2.X versions. Some of them will be implemented a bit later. You can go and vote for this task here

P.S. Please don't duplicate forum topics. One topic is enough.
12 anni tempo fa
Thank you and sorry for that. Actually two of those posted the same request seperately using the same login, thinking the other might have not...

Also is there is a list of issues from 1.x which didnt get through on 2.1. Depending on the clients requirements, we can then move them to 1.9 at present and once all issues get ported onto 2.1 or 2.2 move them there ?

Please let me know

12 anni tempo fa
No. These ones are "ACL" and "One page checkout". All other not implemented things are quite minor
12 anni tempo fa
and when do we see a support for the ACL.
Would it be in the next release

Please let us know

12 anni tempo fa
We haven't decided it yet. But it'll not be added in the next release.
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