Manufacturers - error clicking on homepage link

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12 anni tempo fa
AM getting the following error when clicking on a manufacturer from the left nav on the home page.

Our supporting staff has been notified with this error and will address this issue shortly. We profusely apologize for the inconvenience and for any damage this may cause. You might want to try the same action at later time.

Also, I notice a "view all" at the bottom of the list. Right now it's displaying all manufacturers in the database. I don't see any setting about "display on homepage" for manufacturer. If I "un-publish" they don't show up on the list or the "view all". How can I just display some of the manufacturers on the home page? Thanks.
12 anni tempo fa
DigitalMan wrote:
Our supporting staff has been notified with this error and will address this issue shortly. We profusely apologize for the inconvenience and for any damage this may cause. You might want to try the same action at later time.

To find out what went wrong you need to turn off the custom errors mode.
1. Open web.config file
2. Find out the following line <customErrors defaultRedirect="errorpage.htm" mode="RemoteOnly">
3. Replace it with <customErrors defaultRedirect="errorpage.htm" mode="Off">
12 anni tempo fa
Thank you. When I imported them manually I was setting PageSize to 0 which caused a "divide by zero" error.
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