Plugin partial view

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12 anni tempo fa
I'm trying to return a partial view from a plugin with no luck.
am i missing something?
12 anni tempo fa
If haven't tried it (don't have access to dev machine now), but you can return a normal view (not partial) and set its 'Layout' property to 'null' (in your view)
12 anni tempo fa
Hi,try this

in the Keem_CatalogController which is in my plugin

namespace Keem.Plugin.WhatEver.Controllers
    public class Keem_CatalogController : BaseNopController
        public ActionResult Check(int ProductId)
            var model = new CheckModel();
             //some code
            return PartialView("Keem.Plugin.WhatEver.Views.Catalog._Check",model);

In the view in which we want to use partialview
@Html.Action("Check", "Keem_Catalog", new { productId = Model.Id})

make sure that any views or partial views under vies folder in your plugin are embeded resources.

now for route

                new { controller = "Keem_CatalogController", action = "Check" },
                new[] { "Keem.Plugin.WhatEver.Controllers" });

by the way if you want to call view in another view (both in your plugin) use this,
@Html.Partial("Keem.Plugin.WhatEver.Views.Catalog._ProductVariantAddToCart_Keem", Model.AddToCart,dataDictPrice)

hope this help.
12 anni tempo fa
thanks man, will try it
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