After order submited send an email to the company headquarter and to the local store

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12 anni tempo fa
Hi all,

After order submited, we need to send an email to the company headquarter and to the local store.

The headquarter will always receive the email order but the local store will receive the order email if the client billing postal code is in his area.

I though the best way to do so, would be to do a lookup table in the database to match the postal code and the local store. But my concern is I don't want to make the upgrade of nopCommerce complexe in the future. Maybe I will have to do it with a Shipping Plugin.

Any ideas or advice will be very appreciated.

12 anni tempo fa
nmoncion wrote:
Hi all,

After order submited, we need to send an email to the company headquarter and to the local store.

The headquarter will always receive the email order but the local store will receive the order email if the client billing postal code is in his area.

I though the best way to do so, would be to do a lookup table in the database to match the postal code and the local store. But my concern is I don't want to make the upgrade of nopCommerce complexe in the future. Maybe I will have to do it with a Shipping Plugin.

Any ideas or advice will be very appreciated.


We have done this setting rules to an Outlook (or mail server) box which gets a copy of the mail sent to headquarter. It works if you only have a few local stores.

It is someting like If mail contains "Postal Code = XX" (or YY or ZZ) resend a copy to [corresponding local store]. in XX,YY, ZZ... we usualy set the first characters of the postal code which define the region ccorreesponding to the local store.
12 anni tempo fa
Hi Eduardo,

Thanks for the quick reply.

That is a pretty good option, but the only problem with that kind of solution is always the support after. Because we will have install the rules on the Outlook at the headquarter, it will be more difficult provide good assistance and support after.

I would like that feature to be part of the web application.

12 anni tempo fa
nmoncion wrote:
Hi Eduardo,

Thanks for the quick reply.

That is a pretty good option, but the only problem with that kind of solution is always the support after. Because we will have install the rules on the Outlook at the headquarter, it will be more difficult provide good assistance and support after.

I would like that feature to be part of the web application.


Hi Nicolas:
In our case we get a copy of the mail (the headquarter gets its own copy) so we program the rules in our offices (not our customers).
I agree that a plugin for this could be much better.
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