How to show new topic page on left menu (Information) / Sorting

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12 anni tempo fa
Hi everybody

I added a new topic under Content Managment - Topics

I was expecting this page to show up on the left side menu, but its not.

a) am I doing something wrong or is the left side menu not dynamic
b) is there a way to sort the topic pages backend?

Kind regards
12 anni tempo fa
You have to manually add it to the information block (left side). Please have a look at the following file: \Views\Common\InfoBlock.cshtml (Nop.Web project)
12 anni tempo fa
Dear Andrei

As usuall thanks a lot for the very quick response.

It worked and now I have an example how to add it to the topmenu as well?

This is my first nopCommerce project and I started with 2.2 so the question is: will the infoBlock.cshtml and Menu.cshtml be overwritten on an update to 2.3 for example.

As stated many times before I try to keep it core so I would not have to remember all the changes.

I assume that adding pages to Menu.cshtml and infoBlock.cshtml through the admin would be higly appreciated by users, as well as having the possibility to sort.

12 anni tempo fa
marktold wrote:
This is my first nopCommerce project and I started with 2.2 so the question is: will the infoBlock.cshtml and Menu.cshtml be overwritten on an update to 2.3 for example.


marktold wrote:
I assume that adding pages to Menu.cshtml and infoBlock.cshtml through the admin would be higly appreciated by users, as well as having the possibility to sort.

Please go and vote for this task here
12 anni tempo fa
Thanks again for the answers

I guess I have to make a copy then, and remember it before updating. I did vote for it. I think such things are not really custom build worth and should be included in the system to make it easier. Otherwise you really have to keep a big list of what you have changed where.

Love nopCommerce so far.

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