(2.2) Australia Post Shipping Rate Computation - change delivery date value

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12 anni tempo fa

The Australia Post module works great, thanks for the feature.

I can see how to 'add' additional postage charges but is there a way to 'add' additional days to the displayed delivery date?
My time to ship the product may be longer than what is displayed to the customer.

Many thanks...
12 anni tempo fa
1. Open \src\Plugins\Nop.Plugin.Shipping.AustraliaPost\AustraliaPostComputationMethod.cs file
2. Find and replace the following line
shippingOption.Description = String.Format("{0} Days", rspParams["days"]);

shippingOption.Description = String.Format("{0} Days", Convert.ToInt32(rspParams["days"]) + 3);

(3 here is 3 days)
3. Recompile the solution
P.S. You need source code version.
12 anni tempo fa
Thank you very much Andrei for the quick and accurate answer !!
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