Problem with administration / globalization

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12 anni tempo fa

I'm having a problem with a custom plugin in combination with the Telerik NumbericTextbox field.
I'm using the _AdminPopupLayout.cshtml that uses the parent layout _AdminLayout.cshtm and it's loaded into an iframe in a new tab inside the product variant. Just for the details: When a user hits save, the data is posted back using Ajax.

When using the default language (English) its working just fine. But when I use Dutch for instance the decimal pointers are mixed up in the formatted value. This form is the only form with this behaviour strange enough.
On telerik I find that I need to use script globalization, but this should already be done I think in nopCommerce. Where is it done and do I need to take care of it in my own plug-ins ?

The latest source code can be found here

--> Extra info:

When I change the _AdminLayout.cshtml




I get numberic in the right culture, and in my plugin view it is working.
However, the other views & (standard administration) views still have the wrong culture but DO work.
12 anni tempo fa
There's an issue with Telerik localization and internalization. That's why culture of admin area is always set to 'en-US' now (all paths that start with \admin\). But plugin paths don't start with \admin\. That's why you have to manually set the culture. Please have a look at how it's done in Nop.Plugin.Tax.CountryStateZip plugin, for example. Open \Plugins\Nop.Plugin.Tax.CountryStateZip\Controllers\TaxCountryStateZipController.cs file and have a look at Initialize method. It should help!
12 anni tempo fa
Ok thanks I'll change it
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