How to remove a MVC Route

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12 anni tempo fa

I'm building my own check-out & register logic.
So for this I have my own IRouteProvider implementation and it works.
However once in a while I get things like:

Exception message: A route named 'Register' is already in the route collection. Route names must be unique.

How can I fixed this ?

public class RouteProvider : IRouteProvider
        public void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)


                new { controller = "xxxCustomer", action = "MyAccount" },
                new[] { "" });
                new { controller = "xxxCustomer", action = "Info" },
                new[] { "" });

                new { controller = "xxxCustomer", action = "Register" },
                new[] { "" });
                new { controller = "xxxCustomer", action = "RegisterResult" },
                new { resultId = @"\d+" },
                new[] { "" });


        public int Priority
            get { return 0; }

What does Priority do ?
12 anni tempo fa
Setting the priority to -1 does the trick.
12 anni tempo fa
In my case this works only on my development machine, but on the production server the plugin's routes are never called...any idea?
12 anni tempo fa
solved, I didn't noticed the shadow copy folder of the plugins was not cleared on application start-up!
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