"Upload Picture First" issue - V2.20 & v2.30

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12 anni tempo fa

I have just completed an clean installation of NOPCommerce V2.20 (I've also tried a clean install of v2.30) and I'm unable to add/edit any of the pictures attached to products. I do see the upload button and have flash installed ( on a maching running Windows XP SP3 and Internet Explorer 8.

I've check the permissions and tried changing the location of the pictures from the file system to the database and back again but it still won't allow the picture to be uploaded. When you click "Upload" I can navigate and select an image then click "Open" but once if goes back to the webpage and you hit "add product picture" I get the following error message "Upload picture first".

Has anyone had this issue or any ideas where to start looking for a resolution. I've tried the forums but could only find a mention on not having flash installed which I have (latest version).

Web Server: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2
Database Server: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2 running SQL Server 2005 (9.0.3042) SP2


12 anni tempo fa
Do you experience this issue on [url=admin-demo.nopcommerce.com]our demo site[/url]?
12 anni tempo fa
Hi Andrei,

Thanks for getting back to me so promptly.

I've tried adding a picture to the demo site and it works perfectly. This image is uploaded and attached to the product correctly. Any ideas why this should be an issue on our installation? I also have a friend who's having the same issue on a different server installation. Could it be a permissions issue of some sort? I've checked the log files within nopCommerce but there are none listed which relate to this issue.


12 anni tempo fa

Recently downloaded and in installed NopCommerce 2.3 great program/software,

I am trying to bulk upload products and product images, I exported the appropriate product xlsx file and modiyed to my own. I have set up the filesystem for the image directory on my sever and added the the correct path for the images, but when I try to import from excel I'm struck with this error??

Can not open the package. Package is an OLE compound document. If this is an encrypted package, please supply the password

Any help would be highly appreciated..

Kind Regards

12 anni tempo fa

Have you been able to replicate the fault? As it's still an issue for me.


12 anni tempo fa
Save the document as .xslx.  this worked for me on my fresh install
12 anni tempo fa
Hi Andrei,

Any news on the issue? I've checked all the database permissions and file system permissions and all seem ok but still getting the error message

12 anni tempo fa
No, I wasn't able to reproduce it
12 anni tempo fa
I have this problem too with 2.4 version.
In my local installation everything is fine, but on deployed server I become "Upload picture first" when I click on "add product picture" (with picture just uploaded).
Did you resolve ?
12 anni tempo fa
Ok i solved.
The cause was that I had activated a mechanism (simply by checking a cookie) that intercepts requests because the store was temporarily closed, and with this mechanism the request to upload the component was not working properly.

Also, verify that the POST sent by flash component "uploadify.swf" successfully contact the server.

URL used for sending the pictures I think it is  /Admin/Product/Edit/&buttonText=Upload&script=/Admin/Picture/AsyncUpload&folder=&scriptData=authToken.........&width=120&height=30&wmode=opaque&method=POST&queueSizeLimit=999&simUploadLimit=1&multi=true&auto=true&fileDataName=Filedata">
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