Adding admin views in a plugin breaks the navigation menu

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12 anni tempo fa
I've added a plugin with 1 admin controller. This plugin adds a new item to the admin navigation menu. I can navigate and use the new views just fine, but once I'm viewing my new views I cannot use the admin menu to get back to other pages.

For example the dashboard link normally renders as,  but on my views it renders as I'm not sure what interaction is causing this, but I have not been able to correct it and the Telerik documentation lacks the behind the scenes information on how the links are constructed.

Below is a sample of the route I created as well and like I mentioned, all the pages load and work just fine, but once I'm on my new views I cannot use the admin menu and I need to type the urls in the browser navigation bar to get back to the admin dashboard. Any help or ideas would be appreciated.

                "<plugin name>/admin/",
                new { controller = "PluginAdmin", action = "Index" },
                new[] { "Plugin.Namespace.Controllers" });
12 anni tempo fa
How about the following code

                "<plugin name>/admin/",
                new { controller = "PluginAdmin", action = "Index", area = "Admin" },
                new[] { "Plugin.Namespace.Controllers" });

P.S. You can also try remove /admin/ from "<plugin name>/admin/" path
P.P.S. I haven't tested it
12 anni tempo fa
Skyler, Is this related to the  "url with 5 parts" issue?  (I see you on that thread, so maybe this is different)
12 anni tempo fa
New York wrote:
Skyler, Is this related to the  "url with 5 parts" issue?  (I see you on that thread, so maybe this is different)

@Andrei, thank you for the suggestions but they didn't work.

                "<plugin name>/admin/",
                new { controller = "PluginAdmin", action = "Index" },
                new[] { "Plugin.Namespace.Controllers" }).DataTokens.Add("area", "admin");

Fixed the issue. Thanks for the link New York! I stopped following the topic after the original issue was solved.
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