Product promotion provider feed generator,

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12 anni tempo fa
Hi Everyone,

I recently browsed through the nop commerce admin section and under the Promotions tab in admin section
i found one tab (Promotion feeds) which listed the following things.

Friendly Name - Configure - System name      Configure    PromotionFeed.Become
Froggle             Configure     PromotionFeed.Froogle
Yahoo shopping Configure PromotionFeed.Price Grabber.

Does anyone know how that one is supposed to work.I need to implement the same sort of stuffs but i don't have any idea
of how it works.Please explain in brief what is its purpose and how is it supposed to work,

Best Regards,
12 anni tempo fa
i use froggle on my store, it displays my items on google shops
12 anni tempo fa
johnfenton305 wrote:
i use froggle on my store, it displays my items on google shops

Did you upload your product feed using the NOP "Upload feed to Google FTP server" in the Admin,
or do it in Google in the Google Merchant Center?

Also, when I click "Generate feed", nothing happens.
What file is created and where do I find it?

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