Manufacturer Image Help

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14 anni tempo fa
I've managed to upload an image from a saved file in "My Pictures" in Windows XP, through the Admin section of "Manufactures." The image shows up in Admin, but does not display anywhere else on the site. I would like to use these images as "Logos" for my manufacturers, but can't manage to get it to work for me. What am I doing wrong? I haven't had any other issues so far, and am enjoying this program very much. Thanks.
14 anni tempo fa
It sounds like you are looking to display manufacturers in a similar way to categories - each one having their own image.

Currently manufacturers are only displayed in the left-hand navigation menus so would need to develop this yourself.

Best thing is to look at how the HomePageCategories.ascx control is structured and you should be able to figure out to do something similar for manufacturers.

Hope this helps,
14 anni tempo fa
I'm confused then. Exactly what is the image for under "Manufacturer"? It works differently then any other image properties in the system. It saves the picture fine, in the admin section under manufacturer, but the image is displayed nowhere to the general public. What would this image be used for then, and where should it be showing up at?
14 anni tempo fa
Could someone please go in to the Admin section of Manufacturers and explain how the image part of this section works. There is a section there to upload an image, and it does that fine. It even shows up in the admin section. The problem is, after you save it, it doesn't show up anywhere on the site for the general public to see it. There must be some reason, and image section was applied in the manufacturer section, and I thought it would be a great place to use their company's logo. Can someone please help me with this. I may not have explained this well enough before, because I don't think Ben followed what I said. Everything is already there, I shouldn't have to develop anything myself, I just need to know how to use what you guys have already given me to use. Thanks, Fred
14 anni tempo fa
Yes, you can upload an image to a manufacturer. But it'll not be displayed anywhere by default. It'll require a bit of customization to display images.
14 anni tempo fa

I do understand what you are asking, and as I said - manufacturer images are not currently displayed on the site - so uploading the image does not really serve much purpose at this point.

If you are looking to just add the manufacturers picture on the manufacturer page then you can edit /Templates/Manufacturer/ProductsInGrid.ascx to include an image control:

<asp:Image runat="server" ID="imgManufacturer" />

Code behind:

imgManufacturer.ImageUrl = PictureManager.GetPictureUrl(manufacturer.PictureID, SettingManager.GetSettingValueInteger("Media.Manufacturer.ThumbnailImageSize", 125), true);

If you want to have a page of images for each manufacturer then as per my original post, have a look at the Modules/HomePageCategories.ascx control and you will be able to see how to construct such a page.

It would be impossible to cater for everyone's requirements, that's why we try and make nopCommerce as easy to extend as possible.

Hope this helps,

13 anni tempo fa
can we please have a more clear procedure ?

where do we insert ?
under which line ?

i tried and to no avail
im not a webmaster
please help
13 anni tempo fa
I can see the maufactures logos or any image you upload when you click on view all in the bottom of the manufacture block on the left, here is the example.
13 anni tempo fa
Ok, I do see that on the example, and I'll go see if I can see what your explaining to me. I'm assuming you are referring to checking a box in the Admin section of Manufacturer. I see that yours are not able to be clicked on as links, and I hope to be able to do that on mine. I appreciate, you taking the time to try and help me with this. I have been working on my site for over a year now, off and on, and still haven't gotten it where I'd like it to be. Not because of having trouble really, but it is part of it. Thanks.
13 anni tempo fa
Ok, I did try what you said, and your correct. When you click on "View All", all the logos will show up that I have installed logos for. However, using your site as an example, when you click on say, D-Link, in your "View All" section, it takes you to the D-Link page, and it shows your D-Link logo on the new page, along with D-Link products. Your logos on that page, are not "clickable", and won't be guided to the D-Link site, but at least your logos are being displayed. Mine logos are not being displayed, when you go to the Products page, so there for, not only can I not see them, I can't make them "Clickable" to be able to be guided to their site either.
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