Creating a new Customer doesn't assign a user name (nopCommerce 2.4)

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12 anni tempo fa
When you create a new customer from the admin, it doesn't assign a user name to the customer.  Here's how to reproduce:

1. Create a new customer filling out all the specifics
2. Assign the customer to a role as registered
3. Look in the customers table and note that the new customer has a null value fro the user name.
12 anni tempo fa
It works fine. That usernames are simply disabled on your machine (admin area > configuration > settings > customer settings). .
12 anni tempo fa
Just for your information, some of the bugs are related to the fact that I didn't update my database when I went from 2.3 to 2.4.  There are several reasons this happened based on these assumptions:

1.  On the download page, the term "upgrade script" is ambiguous.  I assumed that it was just another package in that it was either just the database schema or it was scripts to update your code.  It wasn't clear that it updated your schema to the latest version.  Perhaps, it should be called "Database Upgrade Script (xx.xx to xx.xx)"

2.  After I upgraded the code base, it didn't give me any exceptions resulting from an invalid schema.  What clued me in that my database wasn't upgraded was when I discovered that the ACL list didn't include impersonate user.

3.  Being a programmer, I assumed that since the software uses Entity Framework, that it would leverage the built-in mechanism to update the schema automatically.

4.  The differences between the two versions didn't seem significant enough to require a database upgrade.

This is a separate issue all together and I think I already reported this.  NopCommerce should check the schema version at start up as it does the installation.   It would be nicer if it could ask the user if they want to update the schema and execute the different versions of the schema upgrade scripts stored in an install directory.
12 anni tempo fa
You're correct.  I turned assign user name off assuming it will force the username to be an email address instead of one made up by the user which creates a ton of customer service headaches.  Customers often create user names that they don't remember or have misspelled.

If I turn it on, what would it use as a username?
12 anni tempo fa
ralphberger wrote:
If I turn it on, what would it use as a username?

Usernames (if enabled) are used for logging it. The same way as it's done on nopCommerce official site.
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