Shopping Cart Line Items

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12 anni tempo fa
Im sorry if this question has been asked before, but i searched through the forums and i couldnt find anything regarding my problem.  Essentially, what i need is to have every single product variant that i add to a shopping card have additional fees added to them.

Currently, I briefly modified the core framework to add the fees as separate product variants in the back end, but then i run into the following issues :

1.  The fees are not linked to a single product variant, so that if a customer decides to remove the main product variant that has the additional fees associated with it, the additional fees stay in the cart.

2.  The additional fees are able to be removed from the cart by themselves, and we dont want the users to decided not to pay the convenience fee.

3. Reffering to number 1, i need to make sure that if i have say 3 Main product variants in the shopping cart, i am able to distinguish which convenience fee/ state fee/ etc is associated with each product variant.

Conceptually i need something like this in the shopping cart

(where this is 1 line item in the shopping cart with 1 remove checkbox, and the total adds all of the line items.  If i have two extra small T-shirts, removing 1 T-Shirt will remove 1)

Extra Small T-Shirt                   $10.00
   -Convenience Fee                  $5.00
   -State Fee                             $2.00
   -Processing Fee                     $6.50

I really appreciate your help with best way to approach this, thank you all!
12 anni tempo fa
Carlos.Valentin wrote:
Im sorry if this question has been asked before, but i searched through the forums and i couldnt find anything regarding my problem.  Essentially, what i need is to have every single product variant that i add to a shopping card have additional fees added to them.

Currently, I briefly modified the core framework to add the fees as separate product variants in the back end, but then i run into the following issues :

1.  The fees are not linked to a single product variant, so that if a customer decides to remove the main product variant that has the additional fees associated with it, the additional fees stay in the cart.

2.  The additional fees are able to be removed from the cart by themselves, and we dont want the users to decided not to pay the convenience fee.

3. Reffering to number 1, i need to make sure that if i have say 3 Main product variants in the shopping cart, i am able to distinguish which convenience fee/ state fee/ etc is associated with each product variant.

Conceptually i need something like this in the shopping cart

(where this is 1 line item in the shopping cart with 1 remove checkbox, and the total adds all of the line items.  If i have two extra small T-shirts, removing 1 T-Shirt will remove 1)

Extra Small T-Shirt                   $10.00
   -Convenience Fee                  $5.00
   -State Fee                             $2.00
   -Processing Fee                     $6.50

I really appreciate your help with best way to approach this, thank you all!

Easy. Use a Product Attribute for each item. Have only one selection possible, and make it a required entry field with the "Pre-selected" set to true.

With this method, the additional fees are displayed, the user cannot change them and if the product is deleted from the cart, the fees are deleted with them since they are part of the item variant.
12 anni tempo fa
so i if i have 20,000 product variants, i would have to set the product variant attribute to each variant? Can you show me how you would do this in nopCommerce admin? im sorry im a bit new to it
12 anni tempo fa
Carlos.Valentin wrote:
so i if i have 20,000 product variants, i would have to set the product variant attribute to each variant? Can you show me how you would do this in nopCommerce admin? im sorry im a bit new to it

Twenty thousand variants???

How is your inventory being broken down right now on your existing system (your internal store system, I mean).

First of all, are all the add-on prices the same, regardless of the SKU? If so, then implementation is fairly easy.

You create a "base" product. Fill out all the product information on the various tabs. Then on the variant tabs (let's assume you use the sizes as your variants: XS, S, M, L, XL and so on), fill out the specifics that each variant needs as a product attribute that the customer needs to select, let's say color.

Set up a product attribute for color. Key in the various colors that you want to have available.
Then key the other attributes for your taxes and various charges.

Save the variant.

Now, you are going to use that variant as your "template" for all the other products you create. Load the product, hit the "copy" button, make the necessary changes, save, then copy for the next one.

This is just one way of doing it. You can also create an Excel spreadsheet and use cut and paste in the spreadsheet, then upload it, and do any necessary editing once you've uploaded. The Excel spreadsheet method does have a problem with images, so you will need to consider that in your planning.
12 anni tempo fa
i dont have that many currently, but i was thinking of the website having the potential for growth.  The client that wants the shopping cart will be interacting with the Admin section of nopCommerce, so your method words but they wouldnt be as tech saavy as a developer to do this through the admin section.  

This gives me an idea to add it through code though! Thanks for your help!
12 anni tempo fa
No problem!!
12 anni tempo fa
Easy. Use a Product Attribute for each item. Have only one selection possible, and make it a required entry field with the "Pre-selected" set to true.


regarding the above instructions, i have a problem.  When i add a product attribute, in nopAdmin, it doesnt allow me to select a value.  When i go to the product attribute section under the given product variant i want to add this additional line item for say an $8 convenience fee ... it doesnt allow me to add any kind of value... the value column is just blank, even after i insert it and click on edit it still doesnt allow me to , am i missing something?  Can you walk me through exactly how would add a product variant attribute  to display an 8.00 convenience fee to the user?  

Another thing is that under the control type dropdown, it doesnt allow me to show it as just a label or something, i dont want them to be able to change anything just a product variant with a few fees attached to it (convenience fee, etc)

thanks again for your help!
12 anni tempo fa
Carlos.Valentin wrote:

Extra Small T-Shirt                   $10.00
   -Convenience Fee                  $5.00
   -State Fee                             $2.00
   -Processing Fee                     $6.50

Hi Carlos,

A couple of points - you can apply an additional Shipping charge to each product variant. so you could use this and/or copy how that is done for all you fees.

Also state fee sounds like VAT (value added tax) so maybe use that?

There might be a credit card handling fee in some of the Payment methods as well.

However if I went to your website having seen the product for £10 and found 3 different fees applied to the price you would not be making the sale to me. Unless this is a legal requirement I'd just put the price to the customer because doing otherwise will harm your business. To me it looks like a dodgy practice and I can aways go somewhere else on the internet where they are more upfront with their customers.


12 anni tempo fa
they're all state imposed fees that we gain nothing from, they go to the state.  The state wants us to show a separation between the fees so the user understands what their total is broken down into.   Also we display a whole total on the website not the minimum price.

As for the shipping charge and the state added tax, you cant change the wording on that and its not a shipping charge or a state added tax.  The original idea of Product Variant Attributes seems to works best both for wording and organization of each purchase, if i was able to figure out what im missing :(.  Thanks for your input though
12 anni tempo fa
Carlos.Valentin wrote:
Easy. Use a Product Attribute for each item. Have only one selection possible, and make it a required entry field with the "Pre-selected" set to true.


regarding the above instructions, i have a problem.  When i add a product attribute, in nopAdmin, it doesnt allow me to select a value.  When i go to the product attribute section under the given product variant i want to add this additional line item for say an $8 convenience fee ... it doesnt allow me to add any kind of value... the value column is just blank, even after i insert it and click on edit it still doesnt allow me to , am i missing something?  Can you walk me through exactly how would add a product variant attribute  to display an 8.00 convenience fee to the user?  

Another thing is that under the control type dropdown, it doesnt allow me to show it as just a label or something, i dont want them to be able to change anything just a product variant with a few fees attached to it (convenience fee, etc)

thanks again for your help!

Hi Carlos:
Have you tried "Radio button list"?
Bresides, this extension might be of help to  set and update the attributes for the fees of your 20k product variants. Check this:
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