How to put some content in footer view file but only for home page - inside condition

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12 anni tempo fa

I want to put one topic on home page in the footer section. I have put it inside footer view file. Problem, if I put it in footer, it is displayed on all pages of the site. But the condition, that this topic should only come on home page and not all page.

How can i put this topic inside condition to do something like this?

if homepage
// do something

end if

I want to put it in footer as per the design.
12 anni tempo fa
anyone, any idea?
12 anni tempo fa
You can create new page sample.cshtml
u can create file in view-->catalog folder
u can add that file in index.cshtml as fallows
@Html.Action("Sample", "Catalog")
<div class="clear">
then i will come in home page only

Thanks & Regards
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