Our new "One Page Checkout". Any feedback?

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12 anni tempo fa
We've updated our one page checkout to include

UK Postcode Lookup. Try - W8 4QP if you are not familiar with UK postcodes
Ajax email address lookup (searches for existing account and prompts login. Performs search on "keyup", "blur" and "click" events)
disabled delivery and billing address email (customers were getting confused with all the different email addresses). We now just have 1 account email address).

I've created a test account for the community to use if anyone wants to test.

email - [email protected]
password - noptest

Just add some products to the cart and click "Secure Credit Card Payment" button

Happy to spend the time to share code for the official release (will ease my upgrade pains) but not individual developers. Past experience has shown me this is very VERY time consuming :-) Sorry guys...


12 anni tempo fa
wunpac wrote:
Happy to spend the time to share code for the official release (will ease my upgrade pains) but not individual developers. Past experience has shown me this is very VERY time consuming :-) Sorry guys...

Good job!
As you may know there's already a work item created (here). But it contains source code (attached file) for the previous version. If you email me the new source code to me, I'll attached it to the work item.
12 anni tempo fa
was it updated to the 2.50 version?
12 anni tempo fa
olga_zov wrote:
was it updated to the 2.50 version?

Yes we have it working with 2.50
12 anni tempo fa
can you please share the source? it would be the great help for me
12 anni tempo fa
olga_zov wrote:
can you please share the source? it would be the great help for me


I've sent it to a.m for the official release. Hopefully it will be used (fingers crossed!)
12 anni tempo fa
great, thanks a lot!
12 anni tempo fa
andrey, could you please share the code?
12 anni tempo fa
olga_zov wrote:
andrey, could you please share the code?

Please see the associated work item. The file is attached
12 anni tempo fa
yes, i've already seen this one but payment modules dont seems to work there so i hoped there is a newer version with working payment models. thanks
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