Razor Syntax HElp

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11 anni tempo fa
Hi All,
in the HomepageProducts.cshtml file it's calling an extension method called Html.DataList which has a signature of:

public static IHtmlString DataList<T>(this HtmlHelper helper, IEnumerable<T> items, int columns,
            Func<T, HelperResult> template)
            where T : class

@(Html.DataList<ProductModel>(Model.Products, 2,
            @<div class="item-box">
                @Html.Partial("_ProductBox", @item)

just wondering if someone can explain how   @<div class="item-box">@Html.Partial("_ProductBox", @item)</div>

is a Func<T, HelperResult> ??

doesn't really make sense.. I'd love to ultimately strip the <div class="item-box"> out and just have
@(Html.DataList<ProductModel>(Model.Products, 2,
            @Html.Partial("_ProductBox", @item)

im not sure what the @ and markup does... i've seen @:

but not just @<div>

11 anni tempo fa
You should be able to strip out the [ <div class="item-box"> ... </div> ], shouldn't cause any issues. Have you tried it ? :)
11 anni tempo fa
yes.. I tried @(Html.DataList<ProductModel>(Model.Products, 2, @Html.Partial("_ProductBox", @item)))

and get Cannot Convert from MvcHtmlString to System.Func ... ... ...
11 anni tempo fa
Here is a Razor Syntax Quick Reference guide that I think we should all keep saved in our Bookmarks. I think the [ @ ] in front of the <div> tag is just to let Razor know that what follows is not C# code, but text/markup.
11 anni tempo fa
nice thank you for the guide.. but yes i have no idea why it is then not working if i remove the markup!
11 anni tempo fa
Try this:

Remove the un-needed markup, but instead wrap it with the Razor tags:

11 anni tempo fa
PERFECT! thanks so much! would still love an explanation of the Func keyword for that example!
11 anni tempo fa
Ah Excellent, and you're welcome :)

As far as I'm aware, the code:

Func<T, HelperResult>

I just think of it is just like a regular function, but short version. You give it something, and it gives you something back. In this case, you give it [ T ], and it returns a HelperResult object.

Check this out.
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