Deploy images with plugin, best practices?

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11 anni tempo fa
I'm making a payment method plugin, and I'd like to add images to the payment page.
Is there a guide/best practices for this? I was hoping I'm not the first one to try that.
11 anni tempo fa
Have a look at how it's done in Nop.Plugin.ExternalAuth.Twitter or Nop.Plugin.ExternalAuth.Twitter plugins. They also have images (\Content\Images\... directory in a plugin). Just ensure that an image file "Build action" is set to "Content"
11 anni tempo fa
I see, that's a really efficient and simple solution.
For anyone else looking for info, looks like this in the view:
<img src="@Url.Content("~/Plugins/ExternalAuth.Twitter/Content/images/oauth/twitter-logo.jpg")" alt="Twitter" class="oauth_btn twitter_large_btn" />

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