Payment via Paypal

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14 anni tempo fa

I am in the process of setting up a new installation of nopCommerce and am looking to integrate into an existing Paypal account that the company use already. I'm kind of lost between the large number of products that Paypal seem to offer, and the list of Paypal payment methods offered in nopCommerce and I'm hoping someone can help me to make sense of it. I am a web developer by trade so know my way around the code, but I've never needed to look at Paypal until now.

First the business is a UK one, so we are dealing with PayPal UK.

I have the login details for PayPal manager ( and upon logging it seems to indicate that the following three services are live.

- Merchant Account
- Website Payments Pro
- Paypal Express Checkout

They currently use EKM Powershop for one website, and I seem to have matched up their login details for Website Payments Pro to PayFlow Pro (beta) in the payment methods with nopCommerce. This seems to offer the ability for entering card details on the site - so I'm assuming to enable this I really just need an SSL?

On their EKM site there is also the ability to checkout with Paypal which transfers you to the Paypal site to login. I can't see any other login details to activate this on the EKM site so this seems to be activatd by the same details - is this possible via nopCommerce too?

I'll stop there for now, I have a lot of other queries but wary of information overload.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.

14 anni tempo fa

I'm at a smiliar position, and wanted to add related questions (also at risk of info overload) rather than start a new thread...

So far I've got the payment via 'PayPal Express' to work with a SandBox I set up. This seemed fairly simple - just entering the correct signature details in the Admin section of site, at - Home > Configuration > Payment > Payment Methods... click 'Edit' for PayPal Express and enter details supplied from the SandBox thingy at Paypal. Eureka!  :)

However I'm confused by the instructions in this edit screen: "If you select Paypal Express, you should enable Paypal Direct too".
First point of confusion is - there's no mention of this feature on PayPal site?
When I enable the 'PayPal Direct' payment method - this adds another payment option to my Public Store, which seems to offer the option to pay by credit cards, yet surely this won't work as I have no merchant account, as up to this point been no instructions to do so from either nopCommerce or PayPal? Sure enough... when I try to pay via this route I get the error message: "LongMessage: This transaction cannot be processed due to an invalid merchant configuration. ShortMessage: Invalid Configuration ErrorCode: 10501"?
There seems to be some key info / guidance missing here...?

One last point - how does the following option relate to all this - "Home > Configuration > Payment > Credit Cards" ... is this just to arrange the list of possible cards that appear IF I offer 'PayPal Direct'?

Thankyou in advance
14 anni tempo fa
I'm confused too by the points mentioned. Anyone out there help?
14 anni tempo fa
Got rid of 10501 error message by changing PayPal Sandbox config to use PayPal Express instead of PayPal Standard (which i was experimenting with previously).
On the nopEcommerce site I'm trying to set up, I disabled PayPal Direct, DESPITE the onscreen guide notes because I don't want to take people's credit card details on my website.

Annoyingly, having filled out both the shipping & billing info, when the user finally goes through to PayPay, they are required to fill in their billing info again!

13 anni tempo fa
This there any update or development in UK payment integration?
13 anni tempo fa
most if not all of the payment methods can be used in the UK
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