Updated SagePay Plugin for v2.65

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11 anni tempo fa
Hi Guys

I have tried to use this plugin today and there seems to be a bug in it whereby the customers delivery information is not being put in the initial POST URL which is sent to sagepay

When a registered user is logged in and tries to make a purchase I get the following back from sagepay

Error (MALFORMED: 3144 : The Delivery information is required.)

As you can see there is no customer address details in the URL being sent to Sagepay

Anyone seen this issue before and have any idea on the cause ?
11 anni tempo fa

I saw this once where the item being ordered didn't require shipping, so nop's shipping info was empty and wasn't getting passed to SagePay.

I know the team is working on the SagePay plugin at the minute as they're testing the new 2.70 version, so I'll ask about the delivery address problem.

Do you have a shipping method set that requires shipping? Or are you selling products that don't need shipping?


11 anni tempo fa
Hi Nick

Thanks for coming back so quickly. I read something about shipping potentially causing the issue so I went to my productVariant table and updated all products to have IsShipEnabled and IsFreeShipping set to true

However I still seem to be getting the same error, I have also created a shipping fixed rate shipping item using the nop plugins and set this to a value of £0 and called it free shipping

I am at a loss to understand what is happening to be honest.

Any help you guys can give me to get this fixed would be greatly appreciated

11 anni tempo fa

Couple more questions:

Are you on v2.65 of nopCommerce?
Are you using one page checkout?
Do you get prompted for a shipping address during checkout?


11 anni tempo fa
Hi Nick

Sent you a PM with a link to our UAT web server so you can see for yourself, however in answer to your questions

1 - 2.65
2 - I am not sure what one page checkout is to be honest
3 - Yes
11 anni tempo fa
Hi - an update on this, I think I have figured out what the problem was.

The initial problem was that you have to set IsShipEnabled and IsFreeShipping in product variants for all of your poducts to true and clear the cache or restart IIS

Then, the problem was I forgot to add my web servers IP address to the sagepay test server

It is now working fine and I have just processed a test payment

Nick thanks for your help and my thanks to you and all the guys for developing this great little plug in
11 anni tempo fa
Hi John,

I was just about to PM you to say that I had successfully gone through the order process and got the SagePay page up with no problems.

Glad you've got it sorted.

I do wonder if we should add the ability to pass the billing address through as the delivery address - for cases when there is no shipping address.
Perhaps this should be the default behaviour?
(At present, if there is no shipping address, empty fields are passed - but if SagePay always rejects an empty delivery address we might as well always pass the billing address)


11 anni tempo fa
Hi Nick

I always think that plug ins should work straight out of the box with the most typical behaviour.

For me, a typical NOP user is going to do exactly what I did, ie add a load of products and not set that shipping properties in the product variant table

Your idea of making the billing address the default value if no shipping address is a good idea I think.
11 anni tempo fa
Hi Nick

After running the plugin with some live customers we seem to have found another little niggly bug. For about half the customers when the payment has been processed by sagepay and you are then redirected back to the nopcommerce confirm order page the following error is created

  Error while placing order. Error 1: Payment method couldn't be loaded

The customer see's "Could not load payment method" on the confirm page and the error above is logged.

The problem with this is that customer paymemts are being taken before this happens but then no order is being created, the really strange this is that this does not happen for all customers, its roughly about 50% of the sagepay orders we have it has happened for

Any ideas ?
11 anni tempo fa

Sorry to hear you're having issues. I've not heard of this problem before - I'll ask our developers for their input and get back to you.

Does there seem to be any pattern to the failures?


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