Shipping computations needed - suggestions please fellow Nop's!

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11 anni tempo fa
Hi all,

I'm building a site that needs the following shipping options at the checkout:

- Standard (will need a fixed cost per item for each country) - I've looked at the "Shipping by total" plugin but unfrotunately this doesnt calculate on a per-item basis.
- Next Day - this could just be a shipping method restricted to UK only, however it would be nice to be able to hide this option after a certain time in the day or on particular days of the week.
- Saturday - again, this could just be a shipping method named "Saturday delivery", but it would be sweet to only show it between Monday to Thursday.

How would you guys go about addressing this challenge? Just looking for some ideas on how best to tackle it...

Thanks in advance guys

11 anni tempo fa
This might deal with "fixed cost per item for each country", but it's for 2.30
You could re-compile this yourself, or try asking the author if he would do it

Shipping Director can also do fixed cost per item.

You would have to custom code you other needs, or use Shipping Director
I've recently provided instruction to someone regarding how to "check if tomorrow is Saturday" in SD:

String       Tomorrow    DateTime.Today.AddDays(1).ToString("ddd") 
{DOW will be Mon, Tue, .. Sat,  etc.}

String       HourOfDay   DateTime.Now.ToString("HH")

Boolean      OfferSaturdayOption  [Tomorrow] = "Sat" and [HourOfDay] < "14"

This blog describes how to selectively exclude shipping options
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