Anyone wrote the USAEpay payment plugin ?

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11 anni tempo fa
I need the USAEPay plugin if someone has it to share.

I have implemented the USAEPay on my old standard ASP.NET site but not familiar with how to write my own plugin.
Not sure how difficult it would be.

I didn't see it in the list of plugins anywhere.
11 anni tempo fa
Ironically the two plugins I need aren't available in Nop 2.5.

I actually need the USAEPay plugin and the Paypal Express plugin.   I can't figure out what's going on with the Paypal Plugin.   When I search the forums I see the 2.4 plugin...that is a third party tool....but I don't see anything for 2.5.

Any help on either plugin is appreciated.
11 anni tempo fa
If you have already written the gateway previously in the webforms version it should be fairly easy to write a pluggin just copy one of the other payment puggins that closely matches the process.

You can probaly get the 2.4 paypal one to work in 2.5 just modify the Description.txt file and change SupportedVersions from 2.4 to 2.5 - it may not work but worth a try
11 anni tempo fa
Has this been implemented? If so, we are interested in this plugin. Thanks.
10 anni tempo fa
Just for your information, we have developed a USAePay plugin. Contact me if you are interested
7 anni tempo fa
breakskater wrote:
Just for your information, we have developed a USAePay plugin. Contact me if you are interested


Is you plugin compatible with v3.6?
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