nop 2.7 Picture table still too big - after setting to store to file

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11 anni tempo fa
Hi all,
Pictures are stored into...:  changed to File under Media Settings (I have nopcommerce 2.7)
But I did this after a month of development and all previous pics are still in DB
That table is 4 GB still, even though my setting in now set to store in File system.
How can I now reduce the size of the Picture table?
Do you guys have a script? I assume any new pics get uploaded go to file system, correct?
What about the data that was there before I changed setting?
Please help
11 anni tempo fa
no answer yet - anyone on nopcommerce team can help?
11 anni tempo fa
jamescasas wrote:
What about the data that was there before I changed setting?

They are also moved to the file system

jamescasas wrote:
That table is 4 GB still

Try executing the following SQL command over your database
DBCC SHRINKDATABASE('your_database_name')
11 anni tempo fa
ty but that did not work.
The issue is I uploaded 10,000+ products with images.
Now after categorizing, I am only using 2000+ products/images.
So that means I don't need 8000 images in that Picture table
DBCC shrinkfile wont' help
Perhaps a query to tell me which images are not being used anywhere would help so I can delete those by script?
But i need to know what that script is?
11 anni tempo fa
You would need to do a left join against


I think those are the only 3 tables.  I will write a quick script in an hour or so because that's something I've wanted to do as well.
11 anni tempo fa

FROM Picture p
LEFT JOIN Product_Picture_Mapping ppm
  ON ppm.PictureId = p.Id
LEFT JOIN ProductVariant pv
  ON pv.PictureId = p.Id
LEFT JOIN Category c
  ON c.PictureId = p.Id

This should give you the rows in Picture that are not associated to anything else and should be safe to delete.  If there is another table that uses Picture that I didn't include, you'll delete it's pictures so make sure you back up your database first.
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