A public action method 'ping.ashx' was not found on controller 'Nop.Web.Controllers.KeepAliveController'.

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11 anni tempo fa
After looking around my Server it's not suprising i get this message as ping.ashx is nowhere to be seen

I noticed it used to be in root/keepalive but not there or in root so where can i get hold of it to reinstall it please?

Or alternatively how do i deactivate it?

I have latest version 2.8 of Nopcommerce
11 anni tempo fa
It's just the KeepAliveController now.

11 anni tempo fa
OK so no /keepalive directory

So what is keepalive - is there a keepalive.asp or something missing, i can't see anything in the root ie domain/ that looks anything like "keepalive"

Is there no "ping.ashx" then why is the system give the error that the file is missing????

11 anni tempo fa
You might have some external process that is trying to hit ping.ashx when it doesn't exist anymore.  Since 2.0, nopCommerce has been on ASP.NET MVC.  That means URLs won't have a direct file or folder to map to.  The framework has a routing structure that converts requested URLs to map them to a certain Controller class and Actions within it.
11 anni tempo fa
Thanks Andy

This is a new webhost so i had no previous versions, however i did temporarily create a "mirror" on a subdomain and patched the config file to open ther same database

I have since deleted the site on that subdomain and the subdomain too so would think the processes are all deleted have no idea how to check as new to Windows Servers, will refer to host helpdesk incase they can help
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