Updating RouteProvider.cs Server side?

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11 anni tempo fa

I am relatively new to NopCommerce (Loving it so far). I am using the source code edition.

I have uploaded the deployable folder to my server space, however, I have noticed I have made a mistake in the Infrastructure/RouteProvider.cs file. Is there any way to change this on the server side easily?

I have found Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure.dll, although replacing this file only didn't seem to do anything?  

Kind Regards,
11 anni tempo fa
OwenManx wrote:

I am relatively new to NopCommerce (Loving it so far). I am using the source code edition.

I have uploaded the deployable folder to my server space, however, I have noticed I have made a mistake in the Infrastructure/RouteProvider.cs file. Is there any way to change this on the server side easily?

I have found Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure.dll, although replacing this file only didn't seem to do anything?  

Kind Regards,

Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure.dll isn't the correct file to upload. The correct one should be Nop.Web.dll. :)
11 anni tempo fa
Ah of course, Thank you! :D
11 anni tempo fa
OwenManx wrote:
Ah of course, Thank you! :D

No problem! :)
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