Search product based on vehicle type

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10 anni tempo fa
Hi everyone,

I am running ver 2.65 and I am trying to either write a plugin to allow the user to search for products based on Vehicle: Type / Make / Model / Year, or understand how to configure my products so that they are searchable by Type / Make / Model / Year.

I am looking for suggestions on how to setup NopCommerce products so that someone can filter or select a vehicle profile to search for products that fit a certain vehicle. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
10 anni tempo fa
tmj wrote:
Hi everyone,

I am running ver 2.65 and I am trying to either write a plugin to allow the user to search for products based on Vehicle: Type / Make / Model / Year, or understand how to configure my products so that they are searchable by Type / Make / Model / Year.

I am looking for suggestions on how to setup NopCommerce products so that someone can filter or select a vehicle profile to search for products that fit a certain vehicle. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

To allow for filtering in nopCommerce you can use Product Specification. :)
10 anni tempo fa
I think it is much more complex than suggested by Lam Woon Cherk, since one product could fit in many instances.
You have to have a search table with the following properties:

From year
To year
Engine (sometimes autoparts change frome one engine to another)
SKU or Product Id

Depending on the products you are selling it may happen that you can have several records/lines (sometimes even more than hundred) per each part/product SKU/Id
10 anni tempo fa
So would you suggest adding another table with vehicle description and add fields to the product table or do you have a ideal / preferred way to add products and specifications to do a parts search without adding or changing tables?
10 anni tempo fa
tmj wrote:
So would you suggest adding another table with vehicle description and add fields to the product table or do you have a ideal / preferred way to add products and specifications to do a parts search without adding or changing tables?

The way we have done it is by adding a new table (v1.9) Examples here and here. As I told you in my previous post I don't think it can be done with specification attributes.
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