nopCommerce 3.20 roadmap and estimated release date. Let's discuss.

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10 anni tempo fa
Is there a workitem for PayPal Pro? Via plugin? I posted a question il the forum but had no answer
10 anni tempo fa
I think following features are necessary,

1) Product per / lb, sq.ft, Each, box, pallet
2) box weight, pallet weight, bundle weight and sizes.
3) Warehouse, bar code and shipping label integration.

Currently I am working on freight volume. when I finish it.

4) Improvement for Bulk editing. For example same specification for multiple item.
5) Custom style definition for products in each category.
6) Auto adjustment old price and special price for percentage discounts.
7) Focus on multiple actions or create some multiple editing options for all products/categories.
8) fixing domain alias problems.

in my case I need to update very fast categories/products.

10 anni tempo fa
thoughts on moving to mvc5? not requesting it, just curious what the current analysis is ;)
10 anni tempo fa
boomhauer wrote:
thoughts on moving to mvc5? not requesting it, just curious what the current analysis is ;)

already done
10 anni tempo fa
I wonder if EF 6.0 now support navigation properties for Stored procedure ?

I request a full record from a table (just only 760 records), your stored proc returns fast enough but the For loop to attach entitytocontext takes too long.

A post from stackoverflow suggest to use EF Extensions, could you take a look. Hope it could boost up the performance more:

protected virtual TEntity AttachEntityToContext<TEntity>(TEntity entity) where TEntity : BaseEntity, new()
            //little hack here until Entity Framework really supports stored procedures
            //otherwise, navigation properties of loaded entities are not loaded until an entity is attached to the context
            var alreadyAttached = Set<TEntity>().Local.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == entity.Id);
            if (alreadyAttached == null)
                //attach new entity
                return entity;
                //entity is already loaded.
                return alreadyAttached;

public IList<TEntity> ExecuteStoredProcedureList<TEntity>(string commandText, params object[] parameters) where TEntity : BaseEntity, new()


//database call
                    var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                    //return reader.DataReaderToObjectList<TEntity>();
                    var result = context.Translate<TEntity>(reader).ToList();
                    for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)                      >> cost a lot of time
                        result[i] = AttachEntityToContext(result[i]);
10 anni tempo fa
Krzysztof Pajak wrote:
Hi Andrei

When will be implement module Auction because there is on Roadmap ?


I am currently writing a plugin for Auctions. Prior to the Inclusion of the productypeId was very difficult because there was no seamless way to have auction integrated via plugin, and there would have been too much manual changes making upgrading near impossible. I tried it on previous versions, but it was very dirty.

Anyways, I am looking to have this plugin completed within the next month or so. once done, I will release a beta version for testing purposes and a feedback. This plugin will allow the store owner to create auctions, it a this point will not allow registered users to create orders for that there is eBay... for now anyways. Perhaps a work around to this would be a to make the user a vendor. But First things first let me get this going.  

it will have an:
Auction Status, Reserve Price,  Minimum Bid increment as add-ons the rest will be derived from the Product model/class

It all compiles so that is a good start. I just have to get the fix to do the publishing in VS2013.
10 anni tempo fa
can't wait =] thanks for all the work you devs have been putting in!
10 anni tempo fa
I was testing the latest available development version today on Windows Azure. It looks to work fine. But in case if anybody else would like to test it out please give it a try on

BTW, published right from Visual Studio like any normal ASP.NET solution should be published. Now forget about prepare.bat and deploy.bat files.

UPDATE (November 3.20): Updated the demo site to version 3.20 -
10 anni tempo fa

There is also access to the Admin?
10 anni tempo fa
fbfrank wrote:

There is also access to the Admin?

No. It's just a front-end demo. This is a temporary demo site which will be deleted in several days
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