Recommended way to insert new products and extract new orders programatically

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14 anni tempo fa
Currently it seems nopCOMmerce does not have any web services available to insert/update product information or extract new orders.  If I were to build one what classes/API /SDK interfaces are available to insert/update product information and extract new order details ?
14 anni tempo fa
well inserting new products is already available in nopCommerce, if you have many products and would like to insert all the products in one step or in one go then login as admin

Go to admin section > Catalog > Products > Manage Products

You will see different buttons there, By using  "Import from Excel", Just save all your products in an excel file and you can import that excel file with your products and your products will be stored in nopCommerce database in just 1 step
14 anni tempo fa
And, talking about Exporting all the orders:

Go to admin section > Sales > Orders

You will see there is a button that says " Export to Excel"

press that button and you will get an excel file that includes a list of all the order placed on your website
14 anni tempo fa
Talking about updating product information, well as such there is no feature to update product information SIMULTANEOUSLY,

But anytime you can update product information specifically by going to product details in admin section, i know it's a long procedure to update each product one by one but at-least you can update any product anytime
14 anni tempo fa
Iunderstand how to do it via the interface or import/export via excel but i want to write my own service i can call from a client that uses a web service to import products and retrieve sales.  therefore i need some api/class etc. my web srevice can call to insert products and export sales.  i presume this must be available somewhere in the product?
14 anni tempo fa
does anyone have any further ideas on this ?
14 anni tempo fa
You will have to look in the source code in the Library directory.  I was looking at a lot of the classes in the source code today and there's a class called ProductManager that does a lot of the heavy loading for nopCommerce.

Check out name space NopSolutions.NopCommerce.DataAccess.Products to find out a lot about the data abstraction layer of nopCommerce.
13 anni tempo fa
I am looking for the same thing. Did anyone find a solution to this?

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