A new attempt to copy the Nop Ajax Filters

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8 anni tempo fa
ivinsky wrote:
Andrei, as far as I understand you are not going to remove us from partner list. please confirm it
We have removed our clone of Filters plugin on May 08, 2015. This plugin contains just CSS(html) of the plugin nop-templates. We have developed this plugin because of our client's needs and we didn't have a possibility to buy this plugin with source code.

1). You will find the beginning of nop-templates JS below
* Copyright 2014 Seven Spikes Ltd. All rights reserved. (http://www.nop-templates.com)
* http://www.nop-templates.com/t/licensinginfo

var nop7SpikesAjaxFiltersGridClass = "nop7SpikesAjaxFiltersGrid"; $(document).ready(function () { "function" !== typeof String.prototype.trim && (String.prototype.trim = function () { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "") }); var a = new FiltersManager; a.addProductPanelAjaxBusyToPage(); $(".nopAjaxFilters7Spikes .block .title a.toggleControl").on("click", function () { !0 == $(this).hasClass("closed") ? $(this).removeClass("closed") : $(this).addClass("closed"); $(this).parent().siblings(".filtersGroupPanel").slideToggle("slow", function () { $(this).css("overflow", "") }) }); $(".nopAjaxFilters7Spikes .block .title a.clearFilterOptions").each(function () { $(this).click({ filtersManager: a }, a.clearFilterOptions); $(this).hide() }); $(".nopAjaxFilters7Spikes .filtersDropDown a.allFilterDropDownOptions").each(function () { $(this).click({ filtersManager: a }, a.selectAllFilterDropDownOption) }); var b = $(".nopAjaxFilters7Spikes .filtersTitlePanel a.clearFilterOptionsAll"); b.click({ filtersManager: a }, a.clearAllFilterOptions); b.hide(); a.replaceSortAndViewOptionsDropDowns();

Our code:
$(function () {
    var price = {
        categoryId: $("#parentPane").data('category'),
        manufactId: $("#parentPane").data('manufacturer'),
        priceFrom: 0,
        priceTo: 0,
        minPrice: parseFloat($("#priceMin").val()),
        maxPrice: parseFloat($("#priceMax").val()),

        pageSize: getParameterByName($("#products-pagesize :selected").val(), "pagesize"),
        pageIndex: 1,
        orderBy: getParameterByName($("#products-orderby :selected").val(), "orderby"),
        viewMode: "grid",
        manufacturers: "",
        productSpecAttr: "",
        firstFilter: ""
    var element = "<div class=\"product-selectors\"><div class=\"product-viewmode\" style=\"width:200px; padding:0px; margin:0px\"><span>View as</span><select id=\"products-viewmode\" name=\"products-viewmode\"  style=\"width:100px\" onchange=\"setLocation(this.value);\"><option selected=\"selected\" value=\"/asus?viewmode=grid\">Grid</option><option value=\"/asus?viewmode=list\">List</option>" +
      "</select></div><div class=\"product-sorting\" style=\"width:230px; padding:0px; margin:0px\"><span>Sort by</span><select id=\"products-orderby\" name=\"products-orderby\" onchange=\"setLocation(this.value);\"><option selected=\"selected\" value=\"/asus?orderby=0\">Position</option><option value=\"/asus?orderby=5\">Name: A to Z</option><option value=\"/asus?orderby=6\">Name: Z to A</option>" +
      "<option value=\"/asus?orderby=10\">Price: Low to High</option><option value=\"/asus?orderby=11\">Price: High to Low</option><option value=\"/asus?orderby=15\">Created on</option>" +
      "</select></div><div class=\"product-page-size\" style=\"width:250px;margin:0px;padding:0px;\"><span>Display</span><select id=\"products-pagesize\"  style=\"width:60px\" name=\"products-pagesize\" onchange=\"setLocation(this.value);\"><option value=\"/asus?pagesize=4\">4</option><option selected=\"selected\" value=\"/asus?pagesize=8\">8</option><option value=\"/asus?pagesize=12\">12</option>" +
      "</select><span>per page</span></div></div>";

As you can see the code was developed by our developers.

2). Just if someone think that our JS contains fragments of nop-templates files I  compared those file and they are totally different.

3). As for the image below

I have tried to find those CSS selectors in their code.
http://clip2net.com/s/3ibnOK3 - I wasn't able to find .priceRangeFilterPanel7Spikes .filtersGroupPanel  
http://c2n.me/3ibopjw - I wasn't able to find .manufacturerFilterPanel7Spikes .filtersGroupPanel ul
I think I will not be able to find other selectors because our JS files have different structere and have been developed by our developers.

4) Admin parts of nopTemplates - http://clip2net.com/s/3ibphbR
Our admin - http://clip2net.com/s/3ibpoDZ
The admin interface is different

Also as far as I know we didn't do Product attributes filters. nop-Templates have declared that they have this feature so the Public interface was different too.

We published our plugin because we had seen other similar plugins.

Also I have seen many other popular clones:
Product PreView
and etc.

We wouldn't developed this plugin if we had opportunity to buy this plugin with the source code and we usually recomend to buy theme of Nop-Templates.com and 5-7 our customers have used those themes.
I think it will be better not to argue and try to improve nop ecosystem as friendly environment and work together on creating new products. We also have spent time and money to develop the Filters plugin and we have removed our plugin from our site(because of CSS) and I am asking nop-templates resolution to remove this topic.

I'm so surprise that you said my plugin is a cloned plugin. Hopefully, you have visit our demo. It is totally different thing. And our menu plugin is released since v2.30. During that time our menu plugin is the first menu plugin available in the store. Please understand the features of plugin before saying other people cloning the plugin.

It is so ridiculous.
8 anni tempo fa
etws14, sorry if I hurt you. Let's use more correct phrase "similar software" instead of clone. I have wrote my message for nop-templates not for you just to show arguments that we used just some of their open for modification files. It looks like they agree with those arguments but don't want to spent time for this topic any more. I'm strongly sure that nobody will ask you to remove your plugin because the plugin from nop-template has a bit different layout and you were one of the first who implemented something to solve menu management issue.
As for my opinion a big amount of similar plugins show that menu, Quick View, Filters are popular cases and nop team will need to implement those features when they have time for it or include open source plugin to their package which solve menu management issue.
8 anni tempo fa
Hi Konstantin

We also make similar plugins as most vendors do, and have done for the last 2 years, but ours are made with Bootstrap for people who want to use a different framework and to support our own Bootstrap Themes.

Although before doing so, we did approach a couple of vendors in the hope that we could partner with them and for them to supply us with plugins, and because we were unable to get anyone to work with us, we were left with no choice other than to produce our own.
8 anni tempo fa
I don't know what fancy about these kinds of plugins, yes ajax help your page look fancy but you will pay the price for not being exposed to search engines.

https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/getting-started  >> make sure you guys follow this
8 anni tempo fa
congthanhgiong wrote:
I don't know what fancy about these kinds of plugins, yes ajax help your page look fancy but you will pay the price for not being exposed to search engines.

https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/getting-started  >> make sure you guys follow this

As long as you have a good seo practice for your products it won't be an issue. It is just showing it is filtered.
8 anni tempo fa
I don't know how this discussion ended up in this direction but please do use it
to market yourself here, no harm done, just the opposite you create more visibility for the topic.

Regarding our not commenting the topic. We have supplied enough evidence to show that you have copied from our plugin. We never said it was a full clone.

I will say this once more and I will not waste my time trying to prove the obvious:


Now you tell me, does it make sense to further argue whether the backend is copied too or not? I think the answer is more than obvious for anyone with at least a little bit of common sense.

Regarding vendors getting away with this for, I am not going to count which time, here is our comment.

If this was Magento or Shopify for that matter you would already be trying to sneak into the market place under another company name if not legally prosecuted.

I am sorry to say this but with nopCommerce, as there are obviously no established rules for such infringements, vendors will just continue to do this.
8 anni tempo fa
I want people to understand the amount of CSS we are talking about and how your CSS appeared on our website.
Our customer bought nop-template themes but wasn't able to use filters because of his custom code and we developed a new one.
We used your html block  http://clip2net.com/s/3jVNF2X because filters needed to work fine for your theme. (It takes just 1-2 hours to develop the same html block with CSS and will cost 10 -30 USD) and we spent 40-60 hours to develop backend and js and 8 hours for marketing. So your CSS was less than 3%  of our plugin. And the cost of this work is 1-3 USD when we sell it as a part of plugin.
By mistake we have copied those filters with your html layout to our website and publish to the nop marketplace. Defenatly it's not acceptable to use your CSS on our website and we removed it according to your request without discussions. We used your files less than 12 hours.
Additionaly temporary we don't sale this plugin through our website because of nopCommerce request (we would like to build a good business relationship with this vendor) and because we saw a lot of other similar plugins.  
http://www.nop-templates.com/ajax-filters-plugin-for-nopcommerce - $99
http://nop4you.com/ajax-quick-filters-plugin-for-nopcommerce - $121.77
http://www.foxnetsoft.com/nopspeedfilters $50
The latest one works realy fast and the cost is realy low.

By the way Google, Microsoft and other vendors just block, remove or restrict content that may violate the law.
8 anni tempo fa
IMPORTANT UPDATE: For anybody who will try to steal source code of other vendors I highly recommend to look at this topic and our official reaction here, I hope it'll prevent other vendor from doing similar things.
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