Change Global Settings

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14 anni tempo fa
I was wondering how to expand the tooltips and label values on the SMS Alerts confguration page.

I have added a button in order to send a "test" message and the labes and tooltips all went away.

I have added values to the Nop_LocaleStringResource table.

Any Ideas?

14 anni tempo fa
Hi Dave,

Is it possible you could post your code? So I could take a look..
14 anni tempo fa
I have modified this panel in global settings to this: (Changed Indenting)

        <ajaxToolkit:TabPanel runat="server" ID="pnlSMSAlerts" HeaderText="<% $NopResources:Admin.GlobalSettings.SMSAlerts.Title %>">
                <table class="adminContent">
                <td class="style7" colspan="3">
                To receive an SMS notification when an order is placed from your store you need
                    to follow a few simple steps, which are shown below:
                        <li><a href="" target='_blank'>Register for a Clickatell account
                        <li>Clickatell works with all countries and includes 10 free messages so you can test
                            SMS notifications</li>
                        <li>Fill in the form below with your Clickatell account details, including the number
                            you want the notification messages to be sent to</li>
                        <li>Click 'Save' button</li>
                        <li>Now when you receive a new order, an SMS text message will be sent to the number
                            you enter below automatically</li>
                        <td class="adminTitle1">
                            <nopCommerce:ToolTipLabel runat="server" ToolTipImage="~/Administration/Common/ico-help.gif"
                                ID="lblIsSMSAlertsEnabled" />

                        <td class="adminTitle1">
                            <asp:CheckBox runat="server" ID="cbIsSMSAlertsEnabled" />

                    <tr id="pnlSMSAlertsPhoneNumber">
                        <td class="adminTitle1">
                            <nopCommerce:ToolTipLabel runat="server" ToolTipImage="~/Administration/Common/ico-help.gif"
                                ID="lblSMSAlertsPhoneNumber" />

                        <td class="adminTitle1">
                            <asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtSMSAlertsPhoneNumber" />

<td class="adminTitle1">                      
<nopCommerce:ToolTipLabel runat="server" ToolTipImage="~/Administration/Common/ico-help.gif" ID="lblSMSAlertsTest" />
                    <tr id="pnlSMSAlertsClickatellAPIID">
                        <td class="adminTitle1">
                            <nopCommerce:ToolTipLabel runat="server" ToolTipImage="~/Administration/Common/ico-help.gif"
                                ID="lblSMSAlertsClickatellAPIID" />

                        <td class="adminTitle1">
                            <asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtSMSAlertsClickatellAPIID" />


<td class="adminTitle1">
<asp:Button ID="btnSendTestMessage" runat="server" onclick="btnSendTestMessage_Click" Text="Send Message"/>

                    <tr id="pnlSMSAlertsClickatellUsername">
                        <td class="adminTitle1">
                            <nopCommerce:ToolTipLabel runat="server" ToolTipImage="~/Administration/Common/ico-help.gif"
                                ID="lblSMSAlertsClickatellUsername" />

                        <td class="adminTitle1">
                            <asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtSMSAlertsClickatellUsername" />

                    <tr id="pnlSMSAlertsClickatellPassword">
                        <td class="adminTitle1">
                            <nopCommerce:ToolTipLabel runat="server" ToolTipImage="~/Administration/Common/ico-help.gif"
                                ID="lblSMSAlertsClickatellPassword" />

                        <td class="adminTitle1">
                            <asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtSMSAlertsClickatellPassword" />


On the code behind page I added:

protected void btnSendTestMessage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Page.IsValid)
                catch (Exception exc)
                    lblSMSAlertsTest.Text = exc.Message;

In the Database I added:
LocaleStringResourceID  LanguageID  ResourceName  ResourceValue

10889  7  Admin.GlobalSettings.SMSAlerts.btnSendTestMessage  Send Message
10890  7  Admin.GlobalSettings.SMSAlerts.lblSMSAlertsTest  Send a Test Message
14 anni tempo fa
Maybe I should add ascx template for the button, simular to the ToolTipLabelControl.
14 anni tempo fa
Hey! I figured it out! Thanks!
13 anni tempo fa
Could you Post your fix, Please.

Thank you
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