Right to left language

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15 anni tempo fa
Hi Guys,
Did you guys try before to customize nopCommerce to cope with right to left language like Arabic or Hebro ... ?

Thanks in advence.
15 anni tempo fa
Dear mebaid01,

Other members also working all over world on NopCommerce. you may surf the forum & find your topic.

For more info regardin translating look at this topic http://forums.nopcommerce.com/forums/default.aspx?g=posts&m=670
1) Download File Lin Given there
2) Translate In Language As you need.
3) Use it & For Distribute send it to Admin of NopCommerce.

Thanks & Good Luck
15 anni tempo fa
Yes, I know about the translation effort which people are doing right now, I'm searching for some effort already done on the right to left issue.
Anyway, Thanks for ypur help ... it is useful link.
15 anni tempo fa
Hi mebaid01,
Man, this Shopping Cart is very easy customize, like changing it's direction from LTR to RTL

I am already customize the version 1.03, 1.04, 1.05 and when I customize 1.10 I will tell you what should you do to make good Right to left.
15 anni tempo fa

So, mebaid01 my good luck works...


Qais, i rem u had done in ar-JO culture.

hia buddy

why we not getting info about modifing info. AM have to make one forum named "Introduction" & we have to write there. on first post of Intro must need for template for intro

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