Development Factory

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15 anni tempo fa
Hello @ all,

a short question: is there a development factory available, that creates all the classes (at least the basic structures) from a data modell? It seems to me that creating all the DataAccess.SqlServer.Provider, DataAccess.DB...Provider, DB...ProviderCollection, etc. classes is necessary for clean code but a lot of work, that could be automated.

Thanks for the quick answer.

15 anni tempo fa
Hello hoppi,
You can try CodeSmith, its a good program to generate Data Access Layer or Business Layer.
15 anni tempo fa
No. We don't use any factories now. But there're a lot of code-generator tools over internet
15 anni tempo fa
I think it would be a nice idea to share a common set of tools and prepare some templates so code can be developed nice and easy (at least the boring code of DAL etc.). I downloaded CodeSmith some time ago, but never found the time to really try it out...

If using CodeSmith is not an option for the nopCommerce developer community (as it is a quite expensive toolkit), I would think we could at least have a VisualStudio Template for the DAL, etc. Actually I am already in the midst of preparing this...

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