Default Category Sort Order?

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14 anni tempo fa
Just checking its not me, but I would like the categories to display the products in price order (low to high) by default?  I have looked everywhere and cannot find a setting for this?  Is there actually a setting?  Or do I have to delve into the code?

Thanks :)
14 anni tempo fa
It needs some customization. Look at Nop_ProductLoadAllPaged stored procedure
14 anni tempo fa
Thanks Andrei, I found it earlier - I have put a comment in your great roadmap about maybe thinking of using Linq2Sql?  Or SubSonic or another DAL provider?  This would make it very easy for changes like this.

Thanks :)
13 anni tempo fa
Man I am so not into StoredProcedures :(  

I'm really struggling to do something as simple as make the default display order of a category to be based on the price?  Can anyone provide any syntax help?  Everything I have tried just returns an error!!
13 anni tempo fa
Anyone come up with anything for this? I am running NopCom 1.6 and would really like to have sort by price be the default, but I am not a programmer, anybody want to walk me through it?
13 anni tempo fa
In stored procedure: Nop_ProductLoadAllPaged

@OrderBy      int = 10, --0 position, 5 - Name, 10 - Price, 15 - creation date

Change int = 0 to Int = 10
12 anni tempo fa
How would one do this with 2.3 that has no stored procedures?
12 anni tempo fa
henslecd wrote:
How would one do this with 2.3 that has no stored procedures?

Actually it has
12 anni tempo fa
a.m. wrote:
How would one do this with 2.3 that has no stored procedures?
Actually it has

I see one in SSMS of SQL 2008.  Could you tell me where they are located?
12 anni tempo fa
There's only one SP.
...we talked about Nop_ProductLoadAllPaged.
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