I had the same issue. ( NOP Version 3.70 ) . Rather foolishly tried to do this on a livesite and locked myself out.
I updated the following values in [Setting]   table. I had to restart my website to enable changes.

captchasettings.enabled  False  
captchasettings.showonloginpage  False  
captchasettings.showonregistrationpage  False
aptchasettings.showoncontactuspage  False  
captchasettings.showonemailwishlisttofriendpage  False  
captchasettings.showonemailproducttofriendpage  False  
captchasettings.showonblogcommentpage  False  
captchasettings.showonnewscommentpage  False  
captchasettings.showonproductreviewpage  False  
captchasettings.showonapplyvendorpage  False

Now i have to figure out how to make captcha work