Sales Tax by City not Zip?

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14 anni tempo fa
Complete newbie to nopCommerce. Can't find this topic in search. Hoping someone has a work around I can borrow for this.

Tax by zip code doesn't work in the US since some zip codes straddle more than 1 state.

The state of California sometimes has different tax rates for each city/town -- and some zip codes straddle more than one town so the state only provides current tax rate tables WITHOUT zip codes.

How do I correctly set up/input tax rates for the entire state if the only way to sort tax in nopCommerce is by zip code?
14 anni tempo fa
There are 2 options (But i guess for your situation 2nd option is for you )

Option 1

To set the tax up once and apply it to all products:
1. Go to Admin area > Configuration > Tax > Tax Providers. Activate "Fixed Rate Tax" provider
2. Go to its details and set your fixed tax rate.

Option 2

Go to Admin Section > Configuration > Tax > Tax Classes

1. Create one tax class
2. Assign each product to this tax class (While storing products in your database)
3. Go to Admin area > Configuration > Tax > Tax Providers. Activate "Tax By Country & State" provider (Click on "Edit")
4. Choose 2nd tabs "Configure"

Configure your tax rates for your state for each zip code (By Adding new tax rate button"

Like this :
Country : United State
State : New Jersey
Choose TAX CLASS : What you created above
Percentage : 8.8


and so one...for each zip code (state will remain same for all zip code as you want to store all the zipcodes within the state)

I know this is a very time comsuming process as each state can have 1000's of zip codes, yes you gotta store all zip codes one by one along with the tax rate, there is no other way.
14 anni tempo fa
abcd_12345 wrote:

and so one...for each zip code (state will remain same for all zip code as you want to store all the zipcodes within the state)

I know this is a very time consuming process as each state can have 1000's of zip codes, yes you gotta store all zip codes one by one along with the tax rate, there is no other way.

Thanks Mike for responding so quickly.  

I'd already gotten that far.

My problem is that some zip codes in California have more than 1 tax rate. This is common in many parts of  the US. Since sales taxes are usually based on State/County/City not zip code (which is a Federal division of the country).

I was hoping someone would have created an alternative "Tax Provider" that would have been configured for parts of the US that have multiple tax districts in the same zip code.
14 anni tempo fa
MizN i know exactly what do you mean and what you;re looking for. (i faced the same issue few months back)

as in US, each state has got different counties and each county has been assigned different tax rates

and within each county there are several zip codes,

you gotta store all zip codes one by one, trust me there is no method invented till now in nopCommerce by anyone by which we can solve this problem

few months back i requested nopCommerce team to provide us a feature by which if we select country (US then state), all zip codes should be pre-installed in it and we don't have to store all the zip codes one by one but am not sure when we will get this feature as it is still not on the road map of 1.6 version
14 anni tempo fa
abcd_12345 wrote:
MizN i know exactly what do you mean and what you;re looking for. (i faced the same issue few months back)

Unfortunately, abcd_12345, you don't.

I'm not trying to avoid data entering 6162 zip codes one by one into nopCommerce. Frankly, it's a pain, but not a big deal.

What I am asking is: How do you data enter 2 different tax rates for the same zip code, because one zip code contains two different towns with two different tax rates?

nopCommerce only allows 1 tax rate per zip code.

Anyone else have any suggestions?
14 anni tempo fa
Now, I got it MizN what your looking for , sorry for the confusion

well as far as i know in U.S majority of states has got tax rates according to the COUNTY, but i am not sure about California i never heard that one zip code can have 2 different tax rate.

Usually zip code is calculated on the basis of zip code, but if you're looking for a solution specifically for California situation where you are saying that 1 zip can have 2 different tax rate, then i guess you gotta do some modifications in the code

nopCommerce uses terminology of calculating tax on bases of zip code, so the code looks for zip code stored in the database along with the tax rate

In your situation you have to modify code in such a way that the code will look for Town Name which you will store in your database along with the tax rate in order to calculate tax
14 anni tempo fa
Same problem in New York where sales tax rates have nothing to do with zip codes. They are set by county.
Can anyone help?
12 anni tempo fa
My business, JMA Web Technologies, sells a sales tax by roof top location software by Avalara. Please check it out:

It processed tax exempt orders, performs U.S. and non-U.S. tax calculations. For more info, please see the product page:

If you have questions, please give me an e-mail:

Joseph Anderson
President, JMA Web Technologies
[email protected]
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