Let's discuss the upcoming integration of nopCommerce and Umbraco

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6 anni tempo fa
Thanks! Trying to get that hooked up now. I have a failure in Nop.Api.Adapter\AccessProvider.cs (HTTP401 followed by HTTP400 error) connecting to the Nop Api (path /api/customers)...I think because of the clientId and clientSecret keys in Umbraco Web.Config??

I'm presuming these are specific to the Nop admin user I've created. Can you let me know where I can find them?

...or if not what they relate to?

Thanks in advance again!


Aah I've just seen the clientId and clientSecret in the API section of the Nop back end so I've amended the Umbraco web.config to reflet these values and have changed the callback url to the umbraco installation url but I'm still getting the same error.
6 anni tempo fa
you can see instruction on github:

6 anni tempo fa
Aah yes RTFM!

Got a little further but still getting an HTTP400 In the AuthorizationController/GetAccessToken when making the call to Nop api/token

I'll keep playing around


Ok Just seen I have to enable the Nop Api in the Plugin settings!

Now I have a 404 at api/products/43?fields=id,name,price,category_id,images,attributes,order_minimum_quantity,is_gift_card,is_download,customer_enters_price,is_rental,has_tier_prices
6 anni tempo fa
Hi, would you be able to provide the nop database also so i can see how it links together with the existing products/categories?

Thanks in advance
6 anni tempo fa
Please see the latest backup of Nop DB
6 anni tempo fa
Fantastic, thanks so much for your prompt reply! I've got that all wired up now and working. So just one more thing and I will leave you alone ;-)

Do you have the administration user credentials for the nop installation and the umbraco installation.

Then I'll put together a little documentation about how to get started.

Thanks again.
6 anni tempo fa
The admin credentials for the nopCommerce installation can be found in the CustomerPassword table located in the nop db. If it is not already, you can change the PasswordFormatId value to 0 for the admin account (CustomerId = 1) and then just specify the plain text password value in the Password column.

For the Umbraco installation, copy the userPassword value from the 'test' user to the 'admin' user in the umbracoUser table. And then do the same for the securityStampToken value. You can also change the 'admin' user's userLogin value to 'admin' as well for good measure. Then you should be able to login as 'admim' with the 'test1234' password and have admin access in the back office.
6 anni tempo fa
Hi Greg,

Thanks for the info. I had a dig around and managed to figure that out...apart from the securityStampToken. The admin login worked without changing this. I wonder what this value is used for?

The only difference I can see now from the demo sites yawkale has published is in the Umbraco backend where the Nop Dashboard is empty. Any idea why this might be? I can see from the HTTP response for umbraco/backoffice/UmbracoApi/Dashboard/GetDashboard?section=nopdashboard the JSON response is empty.

Thanks in advance
6 anni tempo fa
Hi All,

I know this is not realistic module, but for one of my project I have implemented barcode module for products.

so can we expect the same features in future
6 anni tempo fa
Please see blog post about this integration - https://www.nopcommerce.com/integration-of-nopcommerce-and-umbraco
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